Kirstin, Thank you.

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The Uber was driving, where to? Well Kirstin's house. Mitch felt like that was the only place. Kirstin lives alone so he wouldn't have to deal with other people around. Since he hadn't asked Kirstin if they could stay there beforehand he decided to call her.

The phone rang for some time before she picked up.

"Mitch? It's almost 1 am, what's wrong sweetie?" Kirstin replied. She sounded as she had been awaken.

"Kirst. Can Irabella and I stay with you?" Mitch said, trying to hold back his tears.

"Of course. Why? Wait, no don't answer that you don't have to tell me. Just call me when you're here, okay sweetie." Kirstin replied with a motherly tone. Mitch guessed that Kirstin could hear him trying to hold back the tears.

Mitch just nodded until he spoke, "Okay. Thank you kirst. I'll, I mean we'll be there shortly. Love you."

"I love you too Mitchie." After that said she hung up. Mitch couldn't handle it anymore. He eventually let his tears take over.

10 minutes had past, no words were spoken, that is until the Uber driver announced that they were at the designated location.

Mitch grabbed Irabella on one arm and grabbed his luggage on the other. He used his voice to activate Siri "Hey Siri, call Kirstin, please." The robot then replied "calling Kirstin."

It was only a few seconds before Kirstin had answered. "Hello?"

"Kirst. I'm outside, do you mind coming and helping me?"

"Of course not, I'm on my way outside!", just then Kirstin came out the door.

"Mitchie! Here, let me take your bags, make sure you grab all of Irabella's things." As said, Mitch grabbed all of Irabella's remaining things. He double-checked the Uber to make sure he left nothing. Once he checked Kirstin, Irabella and him walked towards Kirstin's house.

Kirstin opened the door. Suddenly a gush of warm soothing air rushed all throughout Mitch's body. Since he hadn't been to Kirstin's in a while, he forgot how cozy and soothing her house was.

They all went in and Kirstin walked upstairs, grabbing most of Irabella's necessities. "Mitchie, you and Irabella go to the living room. I'm going to go to your all's room and set up everything, there are blankets on the couch and some fresh baked, gluten-free cookies in the kitchen, with milk as well!"

Mitch hadn't felt this loved in a while. "Thank you Kirstie! You're honestly an angel!"

"Anything for you Mitchie, now go relax!" Mitch walked with Irabella in his arms to the living room. He set some blankets on the floor so Irabella could be comfortable and then plotted on the couch.

Some minutes passed and Mitch decided he would go on his phone, just then Irabella was doing something cute and he decided to Snapchat her. He recorded little Bella being cute and then another video that included Him and Bella playing around.

Mitch posted the videos and soon enough his phone was rolling in with notifications of the exact video he had posted with some of the fans comments on Twitter.

Mitch looked through some of them but one caught his attention, but not in a good way.

"Wait, that's not Scott and Mitch's House! Mitch! Where in the world are you?! Oh wait..MITCHELL IS LEAVING SCOTT!! GUYS SCOMICHE IS OVER!" Mitch kept on reading the last part, "Scomiche is over?"

Mitch just kept on whispering to himself, "Scomiche wasn't even real in the first place!" He kept shaking his head, "it couldn't have been real! Or was it?" That's when he realized something.

"The video!" Mitch yelled making Irabella start crying and Kirstin running down the stairs.

"Mitch! Is everything okay?" Mitch turned around and looked at Kirstin "Yes, everything is okay, sorry I was just in my thoughts."

"It's okay. Just next time maybe don't sound like you're being murdered."

"Yes, yes, of course." Mitch smiled towards Kirstin and Kirstin walked back upstairs.

Since Bella was still crying, mitch picked her up and calmed her down. Once she was calmed, mitch grabbed his laptop from his backpack and looked for "the video"

Mitch found it, he looked at it for a while, until he looked at the views, everything felt like it was crashing down.

"Why did it have to end this way?"

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