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Avi's P.O.V

As we arrive to the police station, Kirstie, Kevin and I are literally jumping out of the Uber, we enter the station and see that the one day we have to report two of our friends missing everyone else has legal problems to deal with or report a suspect, etc. We groan in frustration, we then see a young police man pass by, we told him about our friends, he then says that we have to wait in the line like everyone else, then We say in unison that we are the 3 time award winning Grammy group pentatonix, right away we were lead to the chiefs office.

We tell the chief that two of our friends have been kidnaped, by the names of Scott Hoying and Mitchel Grassi, the chief searched up the two in his computer to see if maybe someone from their pass had come back to take revenge and they most-likely have had to been reported, he has no luck, he asked if that was their full names, Kirstie said no and gave their real names, "Scott's full name is Scott Richard Hoying and Mitch's name is Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi" she said on verge of tears.

After Kirstie told the chief Scott and Mitch's full name he went back to his computer and stated typing, "looks Like your friends have been here before to report an issue about Mitch's ex boyfriend" the chief said in confusion, we all look at each other in fear.

After the chief told us about the report Mitch and Scott input about Mitch's ex, we knew who he was talking about, Travis! We totally forgot this is where Travis lives now after he moved from Arlington so he could get a new start to life, great!

Kirstie speaks up "Oh no, chief I think we know who probably kidnaped our two friends, can we please just put up missing persons posters just so the people can know, here is some evidence that one of our fans gave us, maybe you can locate where this post came from", Kevin then pulls out his phone, and gives it to the chief, the chief looks at it in concentration "We will do as you said ma'am, we will try to locate where this was posted from, if you can just write you numbers on this paper and then your name next to your number, we will call anyone of you to tell you what we find, thank you for reporting this, we will get on this case right away".

We then leave, we feel a bit more calmed since we know that the police are now handling the situation, we just hope Scott and Mitch are okay and not in too much pain or trouble.

I decided to update since it's the weekend, tomorrow I'll try to post but I'll maybe won't post a part 7 till Friday since i won't have homework and after school events, anyways hope you all are loving this story, dm if you have any ideas for this story. I love y'all!❤️😘🍓

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