Months Later

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A few months have passed. Irabella is now 11 months old. She never really knew who her real father was, after all, they left when she was only a few weeks old. Kirstin was such a great aunt towards her. She was a spoiled little princess. Mitch was always stressed wondering how he was going to get back into the studio and how he was going to pay back Kirstin.

"Bella, why can't live be so simple?" Bella starred into Mitch's brown eyes, giggles came out as Mitch kept her by his side. Her beautiful ocean blue eyes combined with her beautiful laugh always lit up the room. "Oh Bella, I can never be mad when I'm around you."

Mitch was on the couch going through Instagram. He hadn't heard from Scott and he was actually relieved. Mitch being mitch, he was of course going through Balenciaga's account to see what they had for the new summer line. He eventually got tired of just looking through clothes and decided to go to Twitter.

Since Mitch followed a few fans, a lot of things came out on his timeline that caught his eye


"How am I supposed to continue my life without Pentatonix?" noodlehoying tweeted

"Scott! How could you do this!! WHY DID YOU END PTX?" queenkirstin tweeted

Mitch couldn't believe it. Did Pentatonix really end? Is that why they no longer have meetings? Is that why they no longer go into the studio? Is that why they haven't talked about the upcoming tour? Is that why no one mentions Pentatonix on social media anymore? Did Scott do this? Is someone leaving the group? Is Kirstin going solo? Is Kevin going solo? Is Avi going solo? Is Scott going solo? All of these questions went through Mitch's head. That is until he realized something "It's my fault that Pentatonix is over."

"Mitch, sweetie is everything okay? I heard you talking? Who are you talking to?" Kirstin came down the stairs entering the living room.

"Kirstin, I'm going to ask you a question and you have to be honest." Mitch said putting his head down.

Kirstin was nervous, she had a feeling mitch was going to find out somehow, he always does. "Okay, I will be 100% honest, I promise"

"Am I the reason why Pentatonix is over?"

Kirstin couldn't believe those words were coming out of Mitch's mouth "of course not! It's Scott's!" Kirstie walked towards the couch to try to confort Mitch. Mitch turned around making Kirstin stop in her footsteps "you're lying to me.." mitch broke down.

"Mitchy. It's okay, it's not your fault I promise. Go upstairs to your room. Give yourself a break. I'll watch Bella." Mitch looked at Kirstin and smiled. "Thanks Kirstin. I'll take you up on that offer." Mitch went upstairs and into his bedroom.

All of these thoughts went through Mitch's mind, even while he was trying to relax. "How am I supposed to find out the truth if no one will tell me.." mitch thought for a moment "that is, if I ask the only other person that I trusted my life with".

Mitch got his phone and went through his contacts, he stoped at one specific person, Scott. He knew that Scott probably wouldn't answer, but he wanted to know the truth. He dialed, the phone rang quite a few times until someone answered

School is finally over, so that means I'm going to post a lot more. Hopefully you liked this chapter and thank you so much for giving this book so much love!!

Will this be the end? -Complete-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora