~ N i n e ~

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Mama and Baba approached me with the marriage topic the other day. With no guarantee of Mama's health, she wants to see me have my share of marital bliss as soon as possible.

It warmed my heart when Baba made it clear that if there is someone I like or someone I'm interested in, I could tell him without any hesitation.

Whatever the case may be, I am to answer them by tonight if they could start looking for suitors for me.

Now as I sit by the window watching the sunset, I command myself to take a decision.

Between my heart and mind, I'm stuck in a whirlwind of confusion as both the important organs are opposed to each other with solid, on-point reasons.

My fragile heart tells me that in order to be happy and at peace, I must follow it while the other reminds me that I can't exactly tell my parents that there's this person who has no clue of my existence and whom I've never properly seen and know nothing of is the one I'm hopelessly in love with.

With a final decision, I step up to Baba and tell him that I'd marry any man who he deems to be suitable for me.

My mind celebrates its victory while my heart weeps in agony. I collapse on the bed as tears find a route to escape.

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