Fuzzy Dice

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We were almost to the place I was going to call home for the next four years. Maybe five, if need be. I mean, they don't just hand out full rides all the time, so I might as well milk it, right?

Brendon was fast asleep in the passenger seat of his Jeep Wrangler that I was driving because he didn't trust himself on the highway yet. He'd picked me up earlier this morning when I landed in Vegas, we switched places, now we're here.

To be honest, I'm probably more nervous than I should be.

Like, yeah. It's not a big deal, it's a college dorm, I'm gonna live there, have a roommate, and live happily ever after as a Psych major. Cool. But. Did I make the right choice?

It's a little too late to be having this conversation with yourself, Dallon.

Yes, I know.

I just hope Brendon's okay with all this.

"Bren," I chuckled a bit as I pulled into the student parking lot and poked him awake. So this is what college dorms look like. Much more threatening the second time around.

"Hm?" He wiggled his nose a couple times, probably noticing the absence of his glasses or perhaps just out of pure grogginess.

"Well, for one," I couldn't help smiling around him, I never could, "We're here, and two, check the glove box for your glasses. I took them off a couple hours ago while you were sleeping so you'd be more comfortable."

Brendon giggled and opened the glove box with the biggest grin across his face. That's one of things I love the most about him. He can find a way to be happy about anything, "You always think of everything!"

"I try my best," I shrugged a bit as I opened the door of the car to step out and stretch my legs. Being 6'2" is cool and all, but wow. Leg cramps are real and suck.

"You are the best!" By the time I turned around, Brendon was already in the backseat, getting some of my things.

I mean. I already knew I have the best boyfriend. He doesn't have to confirm it all the time.

Though, it doesn't hurt.

But, of course, I'm not an asshole. I would never let him do all of this by himself.


"All set up?"

"Yeah.. Just about, I think."


You'd think it would've hit me a little bit faster.

A couple of things, actually.

One, Brendon's never actually seen a college and he still doesn't know where we are. We've been here for two hours. Okay..

Two, this is my dorm. At my college. I'm living here. And learning. And I'm supposed to survive?

I'm a Psych major. What a very limited job market. Good one, Dallon.

Oh, yeah. Can't forget about those sweet, sweet four and a half hours between me and the best person on Earth.

Way better than being across the country from him.

But, still.

"Dallon?" Brendon gave me a soft look as he gentle swung his feet back and forth while he sat on my bed and I sat on the floor, stuck in my head, "You okay?"

"Yeah," I answered quickly, but not quite truthfully, and looked up at him like everything was fine. It truly was, I knew I was overthinking, "I'm good."

"I've known you for three years, Dallon," He held up three fingers and tried to pull a serious face. It's so hard to keep it together around him, "Count 'em. Three! That's a long time! I would know something's up by now."

I sighed lightly and stared at the ceiling for a couple seconds before I met his chocolate brown eyes full of silly, adorable thoughts and feelings that I don't think I'll ever fully understand, but I don't even care. Everything about him is so amazing and I can't believe that he's even here with me, "So. Welcome to the University of California Los Angeles."

His eyes lit up with so much excitement, I was surprised he was able to contain it within himself, "We're at UCLA? Dallon!" He hopped off my bed and  tackled me into a hug, "I am so proud of you!"

"Thanks," I was laughing too hard to think, let alone overthink, so I just let myself enjoy the fact that my boyfriend just tackled me because he was excited, "I'm really psyched," No pun intended, "I just had to think on it a lot, y'know?"

"Oh, definitely!" Brendon let me go after a while and we just laid on the carpet together, staring up at the ceiling with our fingers loosely intertwined, "This is a big deal and you wanna make the right choice."

"See, that's what I've been debating," I sat up, but I left my hand with his, "Academically, yeah, this is probably the best I'm gonna get, which I'm totally okay with, but I had the chance to be close to you. What if I blew it? What if- What?" He was snickering... Why?

"I-I'm sorry.." He had to ride out his laugh for a second before he spoke again, "Your slight Boston accent is so cute," Oh, god.. "Like, it's barely there, but when you worry, you talk fast and it comes out more and it's the cutest thing ever," I knew at the point that I'd gone full tomato, "Sorry! Sorry, go on."

"No, you're right, I'm worrying for nothing, right?" I tossed the hood of my grey jacket over my head and pulled the drawstrings at an attempt to hide my rosy cheeks.

"Dallon," Brendon joined me in the land of sitting upright and turned my head to face him, but I still tried to avoid his eyes, "I know you care about me and I feel the same way. That means I want what's best for you. If you got into a place like this, than you're miles above anything less. You're the smartest person I've ever met. You're incredibly funny and gorgeous and sarcastic and dorky and all the best things a person could be, you are! You're worth the world's weight in gold and so much more and I wish you could see how amazing I think you are."

For the one second I let my eyes travel to meet his, I made a decision.

Quite possibly the best decision I'd made in a while.

I kissed Brendon Urie and I didn't think about it at all.

I just.. Did it.

I softly cupped his face in my hands and he kissed me back just as softly because I knew he was surprised, but he was so excited. He's Brendon, he's perpetually excited about everything. But, in this moment, he was excited about his very first kiss.

And I was over the moon about mine.

I just lived in the moment. Something I don't do. Something I would've never done, had I never met.

He texted me first.

I kissed him first.

I guess we're even now.

God, I love this boy, I really do.

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