Striped Sweaters

119 7 4

B🐻: dallon?

daysofdallon: yeah bren?

B🐻: have u ever been in a relationship?

daysofdallon: uhhhhh if you count seventh grade then sure

B🐻: i'm guessing ur not in one now then?😅

daysofdallon: yeah no haha

daysofdallon: but why? what's up?

B🐻: ohhhh one of my buds is having relationship troubles

daysofdallon: one of your buds or you? ;p

B🐻: 😳

B🐻: firstly

B🐻: HA

B🐻: u really think i'm in a relationship?????? my awkward self???? that's cute!!!

B🐻: secondly

B🐻: naaaaaaah it's my buddy tyler

daysofdallon: pfft 1) you could totally land anyone you wanted to you are absolutely adorable and don't you forget it

daysofdallon: 2) not to be that guy but you came to
me... why?

B🐻: weeeeeell ur older than me and definitely smarter so i thought u might know how to fix this

B🐻: like

B🐻: tyler's one of those dudes who's a sandy butthole on the outside but he can be really nice :)

daysofdallon: sandy butthole

daysofdallon: that's pretty good im remembering that

B🐻: thank u?

daysofdallon: any time but

daysofdallon: *puts on my professor persona* what seems to be the problem?

B🐻: pfft geek😝

B🐻: anywhoooo

B🐻: tbh i don't really know???? like i just know that they aren't talking to each other n josh is mad at tyler for something

daysofdallon: well this is simple

B🐻: wait really?

daysofdallon: mhm

daysofdallon: they've just gotta solve it themselves

daysofdallon: which will probably involve them talking bc lack of communication is one of the most common problems in a relationship

daysofdallon: but y'know we're just kids after all odds are they'll get over it sooner or later

B🐻: oh yeah dallon ur totally not smart about stuff like this u dirty hecking liar😝😝

B🐻: thank uuuuuuu✨

daysofdallon: anything for you ;p

I Got Your Picture (Brallon)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora