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B🐻: every time u come here im shocked that you remember where my house is

beatles h*cker: ehhh i'm more shocked that my mom lets me drive the four hours it takes to get here by myself

beatles h*cker: but i also successfully learned how to drive stick so anything is possible

B🐻: u are a goddess

beatles h*cker: oh i know

beatles h*cker: i'm not entirely sure how

beatles h*cker: but i know

B🐻: teach me your ways of confidence

beatles h*cker: pfffft dude i get nervous when i wear shorts

beatles h*cker: ask hayley to teach u about confidence

B🐻: but

B🐻: u have a girlfriend???

beatles h*cker: oh yeah about that i still don't know how that happened

beatles h*cker: i don't even know if we're "together" or anything

beatles h*cker: but either way i'm shocked

beatles h*cker: however

beatles h*cker: that's totally beyond the point of me being here

beatles h*cker: lets talk about uuuuu

B🐻: i watched the greatest showman again before u got here and ate a bag of gummy worms while crying

B🐻: so today's been great!

beatles h*cker: uh

beatles h*cker: u sure?

B🐻: hahaaaaaaa

B🐻: noithinkimdying

beatles h*cker: my official diagnosis is: ur not dying bc gummy worms and the greatest showman can only hurt ur feelings but they can't kill u

beatles h*cker: however my dear brendon

beatles h*cker: feelings can kill u

beatles h*cker: not really

beatles h*cker: just metaphorically

B🐻: wait what

beatles h*cker: own up to ur dallon crush dude it's killing u slowly

B🐻: but thats haaaard

beatles h*cker: uh huh

beatles h*cker: but u'll feel better when u just accept it

beatles h*cker: and i'll buy u more gummy worms

B🐻: hhhhhhhhhhfineokaywhatever

beatles h*cker: mmm still gonna need that definitive owning up

B🐻: ryan

beatles h*cker: brendon

B🐻: meh

beatles h*cker: hem

beatles h*cker: we could do this all day

B🐻: okay but i'm trying really hard /not/ to like him bc it would never work but that's totally not working out bc i really /really/ like him and two reallys is stronger than one and it's really hecking hard time and feelings suck

beatles h*cker: do u feel better?

B🐻: ..only a little

beatles h*cker: don't worry B

beatles h*cker: ur gonna feel a lot better really soon i swear

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