Butterfly Wings

112 7 4

windy morning: greetings

B🐻: ...

B🐻: if ur an alien i don't think u want anything to do with our leader

windy morning: i'm not an alien but i completely understand

windy morning: i'm breezy

B🐻: ohhhhhhh

B🐻: dallon told me about u

B🐻: u sound really cool!

windy morning: haha thanks

windy morning: dallon doesn't shut up about you but i swear it's all good things

B🐻: ..i think that's a good thing so i'm gonna take it that way

B🐻: sorry im really stupid right now

B🐻: i promise i'm usually a looooot more perky

B🐻: i'm just

B🐻: going through some stuff y'know?

windy morning: i get that

windy morning: i just thought i'd finally talk to the famous brendon urie :)

B🐻: hehe thanks

B🐻: u really are cool breezy

windy morning: likewise ;p

windy morning: want me to let dallon know you're.. alive? he's a bit worried

B🐻: really?

B🐻: oh i didn't mean to worry him..

B🐻: um sure just

B🐻: i'm gonna need a minute

B🐻: is.. that cool?

windy morning: 'course

windy morning: and you got it dude👍


just so we're all on the same page, 'windy morning' is a pun on breezy dawn (weekes.)

"if you have to explain the joke, it's no longer funny."

i never claimed to be funny.

so, ha!



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