VHS Tapes

146 8 15

"You dropped your phone."

The first words Dallon had ever heard me say.

The first real words.

Dallon couldn't even speak as I knelt down next to him to pick up his phone and hand it to him. I was met with his teary eyes and he clapped a hand over his mouth in complete surprise. I just kinda blushed because, yeah, I was completely nervous to be actually in front of the coolest person I'd ever talked to, but.. He was crying. Why was he crying?

"Dallon?" I nearly whispered as I travelled with his eyes and he stood up, "Are you- Oh!"

A hug.

He hugged me.

Dallon Weekes hugged me.

And he was crying.

"You're just.. You're so.." For a moment, he hugged me slightly tighter, like he didn't believe I was really there. I smiled a bit and held on to him to make him feel better, even though I could totally feel a wave of tears coming my way, "Y-You're so perfect, Brendon, oh my god..."

That did it. That right there got me to cry. Yeah, Hayley had told me that, and Ryan, but it meant so much more coming from him. I couldn't even begin to explain it, so I didn't. I just cried into his chest. For a lot of reasons, really. Dallon James Weekes is a real person that I really hugged and he cared about me. He called me perfect. He's so tall, like, that is so cute!

And so is he... But, you didn't hear that from me!

Or maybe you did..?

I don't know! I'm still trying to make my brain work this out!

"Dallon.." It's so crazy, y'know? I waited a whole year for this. All of this, "I-I.. This is amazing!"

"Yeah.." He laughed tearfully and sniffled softly. I was sure he'd never cried this much in his whole life, so I let him go through it, "Y-Yeah, Brendon.. It really is."

"So," I quickly swiped a couple of my tears away as he pulled away from me, holding my hand as he sat us both down on the bench he was waiting on, "Okay, real question, how are you even here?"

He smiled, I made him smile! I got to see him smile! Like, in real life! "Um, well, I bought a plane ticket a while ago and I've just been kinda.. Playing it by ear since. Getting emancipated kinda blindsided me, living with Breezy was totally unexpected, and never in a million years did I think I'd ever have the guts to do something like this, but I'm so glad I did this," Like the dork I am, I slid my glasses up my nose so I could watch his smile grow, "It was so worth it."

I could imagine a lot of things about Dallon.

His favourite food, his favourite book, if he was a DC or Marvel kinda guy, but the hardest thing for me to imagine was his smile.

Seeing it, in real life, is a whole other ballgame.

He looked so seriousss. Like he was this super serious guy who only did the most serious business things, but when you finally got him to smile, it was worth the wait.

It was genuine. It was sweet.

And then I realised he was still holding my hand!

"B, I am so sorry to break this up," Ryan, aka the brunette goddess of everything Beatles, Woodstock, and everything else that's musically cool and awesome, stepped into my side view and snapped my attention away from Dallon.. and Dallon's attention away from me, but I totally forgive her for that because she's kinda my mom and my actual mom kinda, sorta totally sucks, "But, I gotta get gas or we can't get back to your place, so.." She eyed Dallon up and down for a couple moments, maybe just to get a good look at him for the first time or some other high school reason I didn't understand, but whatever it was made her soften slightly and half-smile at both of us, "You gonna be okay if I leave you here for, like.. Fifteen minutes? Twenty, tops?"

I Got Your Picture (Brallon)Where stories live. Discover now