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B🐻: i'm so sorry this is gonna be so random but i have to tell u something

daysofdallon: im scared but i'm listening

B🐻: now that we're men from spongebob is my whole mood but i have no idea why

daysofdallon: okay

daysofdallon: yes that's really random

daysofdallon: but i totally just laughed at that harder than i probably should've

daysofdallon: aaaaand my friend is making fun of me for laughing bc i don't laugh

B🐻: wait


daysofdallon: oh yeah haha i meant to tell you but i kinda forgot but don't tell her that she might kill me

daysofdallon: or not i have no idea im new to this whole..

daysofdallon: ...real life friend business

B🐻: her?😏😏😏

daysofdallon: brendon if i had a girlfriend i would probably remember to tell you trust me

B🐻: ik ik im just teasing u😝

B🐻: spill ur beanssss

daysofdallon: well her name is breezy

B🐻: love it love her that's all i need to know she sounds amazing

B🐻: i'm completely kidding go on

B🐻: but she does sound amazing💫

daysofdallon: pfft okay

daysofdallon: ummmm

daysofdallon: she's gorgeous witty and way out of my league so like

daysofdallon: that's established

daysofdallon: but she's super down to earth

B🐻: u liiiiiiike her

daysofdallon: objection your honour

B🐻: on what grounds??

daysofdallon: on the grounds that i already said she's out of my league

daysofdallon: and

daysofdallon: stuff

B🐻: stuff?

daysofdallon: prosecution rests

B🐻: there will be a hung jury until u define "stuff"

daysofdallon: why are we doing this again?

B🐻: idk u started it u nerd😝

daysofdallon: can the jury reach a verdict and save me from embarrassment?

B🐻: lemme talk to them

B🐻: they said no ;p

daysofdallon: brendon

B🐻: whoa don't blame me! they said it i didn't

daysofdallon: you're so lucky you're cute

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