Chapter Thirteen

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(It's really short, I apologize for that. There's only one more chapter left!)
April 23, 2023. 5 pm


That's all I could see.

I could hear my Mama and Papa crying. I wanted to comfort them and tell them that I'm okay.

Light filled my vision quickly.

Gasps sounded through the air.

"Mama..." I muttered, wondering if they heard me.

"She's alive!" Mama cried with joy.

I saw Mama and Papa hugging each other.

"Coco! Coco!" Papa smiled.

"I love you Mama, Papa."



Miguel and I started dating again after the incident with Coco. We were so happy together... For the most part.

We had moved out and got our own place together.

I tried to forget everything that happened to me, and during the day I could... But at night I would have terrible nightmares.

Miguel would try and comfort me, but every time I slept I would relive what happened to me.

I couldn't go on for much longer. My therapist couldn't help me either, it's like I was spiraling downwards endlessly and I would never get better.

I tried to hide main from Coco. I didn't want her to pick up on it.

I even rarely went out of the house, except for dropping Coco off at school.

"Hey, Y/n. We should do something later." Miguel offered, wrapping his arms around me.

"Like a date?"

"Like a date." He grinned at me. "We can go out to dinner. Vero can watch Coco."

"It might be nice." I smiled slightly.

"Great! Be ready by 6."


2024, 5:53 pm

I was dressed in my favorite outfit. I had brushed my hair out and put it in my favorite hairstyle.

"You're ready." I heard Miguel say from behind me as he snaked his arms around my waist.

"Sí. Let's go." I responded.

Soon had arrived at a restaurant. I just ordered something simple and waited for it to come. Miguel seemed tense, especially when the waitress arrived with the food.

I took a bite of my food, and then another one. When I was chewing, I bit down on something hard.

"Ow." I held my cheek. I took out the hard think in my mouth.

Sitting in the napkin was a ring. I blinked in surprise and lifted my head to look at Miguel.

"Will you marry me?"

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