Chapter Four

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November 1, 2018. 12 pm

A year ago I traveled to the Land of the Dead and met my great-great grandpa. Back then my family hated music. Now they love it! I play in the plaza all the time, and the people love it.

But I'm not playing for them. Or for me. I'm playing for Y/n. I know she's still out there somewhere. Hopefully my songs I play reach. One day, when she's back and safe, I'll play a song for her.


November 1, 2018. 12 pm

The walls of my cell were thin. I could hear my captor outside my room, and I could hear the racket outside in the plaza.

I stopped my train of thought when I heard the familiar strum of a guitar. Then a melody started, along with soothing singing.

Miguel was playing again in the plaza. Every time I heard his singing it melted my heart. One day I'll escape, and the first thing I'll do his find him. I heard giggling next to me and I turned to look.

I smiled down at my one year old daughter, d/n(daughter's name). I had to stay positive, for her.


March 10, 2019. 11 pm

I heard the door freak open as my captor left the house. He left my cell door unlocked, too. I jolted, my heard starting to pound. Now was my chance! I could knock on the neighbors door. I bolted out of my room, looked around, and then dashed out. The first house I saw I started pounding on the door.

I screamed for help until the door opened. I told the woman who's face I couldn't see because of tears to call the police. She obliged immediately.

"What's your name sweetie?" The unknown woman asked. A new voice sounded from behind her. A familiar one.

"Y/n?" The voice cracked.


Panic surged through my body. I had forgotten d/n back in the house.

"My, my d-daughter... I left back there." I choked out, beginning to sob. I could see Miguel's shocked face as he dropped his guitar.

"Daughter?" He went pale. "Back where?"

"In his house." I hiccuped out. His eyes darkened, and he rushed to my side. He wrapped his arms around me and stroked my hair. In my delusion I thought of how my captor did that and pushed Miguel away, thinking he was my captor. "No. I don't want your mind games." I yelled. Miguel looked hurt, but he seemed to understand that I went through a lot and I wasn't who I used to be.

He led me out of the house. "Where were you kept?" He asked, his gaze on the floor. I led him to the house, stopping at the door.

"I don't wanna go in. I don't wanna go in." I kept repeating starting to hyperventilate.

"Your daughter's in there." Miguel said gently, as if he was talking to a small child. He put a hand on my back and led me inside. I felt as if my fear would swallow me whole. Each footsteps freaked as I pointed at my cell door. It was open. Miguel pulled me out of the door frame and trapped me against the wall, his arms on either side of me. "Wait." He whispered quietly, his breath tickling my ear. I thanked the darkness because my cheeks were burning and probably really red. "Someone's in there." Now that he mentioned it, I could hear a voice coming from inside.

"Aren't you just the cutest?" I heard a terrifying voice say. "Daddy's here." At that, I could feel Miguel tense next to me. I could hear a baby babbling. "It's too bad that I have to do this." I leaned in to look in the door. The floorboards freaked again loudly underneath my foot. The terrible man's head snapped up and a grin formed on his face as he saw me. "Looks like Mommy's here, too." My eyes caught something shining in the moonlight in his hand. A knife.

"Y/n." Miguel said lowly. "I'm going in there." Before I could stop him he marched in there. Ugh. Why does he always have to be the hero?

"Miguel, wait. He has a-" He placed a finger to my lips, signalling me to be quiet.

"Grab her while I'm distracting him." He instructed.

"But Miguel-" Miguel once again cut me off, but this time he had pressed his lips to my head. He gave me a sad smile. There was no way he could win a fight with that man. He entered the room. I watched as he formed a fist and it connected with the man's face. I ran inside and grabbed d/n. "That's for kidnapping Y/n." And again he punched the man. "That's for hurting her." And again. "And that's for touching her." Miguel growled. And one last time. "For extra measure."

The man cackled demonically and plunged the knife straight into Miguel's stomach. I screamed bloody murder as my long time crush/ best friend crumpled to the floor. The man kicked Miguel's body. "For extra measure." Miguel began to violently cough as his body shook. I closed the door, thinking quick, and locked it. Now the man and Miguel were trapped in there.

I soothed a crying d/n who was wiggling in my arms. I sat on the floor, feeling numb with horror. I could barely hear the police sirens blaring in my ear.

I was finally safe.

✅Kidnapped - Miguel x Reader✅Where stories live. Discover now