Chapter Nine

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November 1, 2022. 8 pm

"Where's Coco?!" I shouted, looking around frantically for my daughter. I could see the same panic I had in Miguel's eyes.

"Who's Coco?" Papa asked me.

"She's my daughter. Was she with us when we walked in?" I felt like the words were coming out too quickly to be understood.

"No. I'm sorry mija." Papa replied, looking sad.

"Well we aren't leaving without Coco!" Miguel chimed in. I suddenly heard a faint sound coming from a dark alleyway. It sounded like weeping mixed with singing.

"Do you hear that?" I whispered, straining to hear the soft sounds. I pointed to the alleyway. "It's coming from there." We all approached it quietly. Peeked inside and waited as my eyes adjusted to the darkness.

To my absolute horror I saw my young daughter bound and gagged. A dark figure loomed over her, but the details I couldn't quite see.

"Remember me. Though I have to say goodbye, remember me. Don't let it make you cry." I heard the soft yet chilling sound come from the figure. In the background you could hear the melody of the song being strummed on a guitar. "For even if I'm far away I hold you in my heart. I sing this secret song to you each night we are apart."

The once sweet song now sounded demented and twisted, as if there was a dark meaning behind it.

"Remember me... Though I have to travel far, remember me. Each time you hear a sad guitar, know that I'm with you the only way that I can be." The thing paused for a moment. "Until you're in my arms again. Remember meeee." They drew out the 'me' creepily. "Shhh... Daddy's here."

It was then I realized who it was.

Marco De La Cruz.


November 1, 2022. 9 pm

To my horror Y/n marched straight down the alleyway and right to him.


The sound of her hand hitting something hollow echoed eerily. I heard him chuckle darkly.

"You've gotten more feisty my sweetheart." I growled as he called her that.

"I'm not your sweetheart!" She replied angrily.

"Either way, you're gonna regret doing that." He snarled at her. I saw him raise his bony hand, ready to strike her.

"Oh no you don't." I called, watching both of their heads turn to me.

"Hola Miguel." He grinned. "Nice to see you join the party. I know all about how you pretend d/n is your daughter. Or should I say Coco?" Marco reached down and stroked Coco's hair.

Her cheeks were wet with tears, messing up her face paint. She trembled with fear.

"Don't you dare touch her!" I yelled defensively. Just to mock me he smacked Coco across the face.

"No!" Y/n cried out.

"Oops." He cackled, his eyes glinting with evil. "Time to get rid of you, Miguel. You were always a threat. Once you're gone I can have Y/n to myself."

"You're sick." I spat out, my voice shaking violently. "You're sick in the head!" He pulled out a knife, which took me back to a particular night so many years ago. He walked up to me and stick the knife right through me.

"How dare you!" I heard Y/n scream, but then we all stopped in confusion. No blood was coming out. I lifted up my jacket and shirt to see empty air where he had stabbed me.

"Hah!" I laughed at this. My laughter ceased as I saw he was aiming for my head now. I jumped out of the way. I tripped and fell backwards to the ground. Pain erupted in my head as it smashed against the concrete. My vision went blurry and I could no longer hear.

The last thing I saw was Y/n tackling him to the floor, grabbing Coco, and dragging me away before it all went black.

✅Kidnapped - Miguel x Reader✅जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें