Chapter Eleven

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December 24, 2022. 5 am

"Who are you people?" My boyfriend who had been in a coma for around two months asked.

All was silent, and I was pretty sure my face had drained any color. Coco and all of his family were still asleep.

"Just kidding." Miguel laughed at my horrified expression. I smacked his chest lightly.

"Not funny! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"Aw, come on. That was pretty funny. If only you could've seen your face." He teased me. His smile faded as he winced and clutched his head. "I have a terrible headache. What even happened?"

"You hit your head against the ground pretty hard." I explained what happened. Miguel sighed, his gaze on the ground.

"How old am I again?"


"Just making sure. Maybe you should call the doctor?" He suggested. I called her in to make sure.


December 24, 2022. 5 am

The doctor asked me some questions.

"Who is she?" The doctor gestured to Y/n.

"She's my best friend, Y/n." I answered. Y/n's bright smile faltered at my words.

"Anything else?" She prodded, looking at my eyes.

"You went missing for a couple of years? You have a daughter named... Named..." I struggled to remember her. "D/n or Coco, I think." Y/n's eyes welled with tears. I pointed to little girl in a chair who was sleeping. "That's her."

"Do you know who the rest of these people are?" The doctor continued.

I was tired and I didn't want to name them all individually. "My familia." I spoke, rubbing my eyes.

"I believe you have mild amnesia." The doctor spoke again. "Miss Y/n will fill in the blanks for you." Then she left.

I watched the door close with a creak. When I turned back to Y/n, she was biting her lip and tears dribbled down her face.

"Y/n? What's wrong-" I was cut off by her speaking.

"You forgot." She stated.

"I'm sorry, tell me what I forgot." I pleaded. It was obviously something big, or else she wouldn't be this devastated.

"That we were together. Dating, I mean." My jaw dropped as she spoke. How could I forget something that big? She gripped a fist full of my hospital gown and tugged me toward her in a kiss.

My eyes widened with surprise. They soon closed after the shock wore off. I kissed her back, testing if I still had feelings for her. After all she was my crush for many years. I tried to feel sparks, or excitement.

Nothing. When we pulled away I spoke.

"I'm sorry. I just... I don't feel the same." I whispered, and to dismay she backed away. "We can still be friends?" I suggested, looking hopefully in her pretty eyes. "I'm sorry, I.."

Even though she tried to hide it with a fake smile, I could see the tears forming in her eyes.

"I-It's okay. It's fine. I'm fine. We're all good." As Y/n rambled I could tell she was definitely not fine. She backed up to the door, then grabbed Coco. The small but woke up, and when she saw me her eyes lit up. When Y/n got ready to leave, Coco started wailing.

"Papa! I want Papa!" Coco wiggled out of her arms and ran to me. She hugged me gently while she giggled. "I love you Papa." Y/n picked her up and left.

It was then I realized I was empty. I felt zero emotion.

I panicked in my head, wondering if I could get any emotion. I tried feeling guilty for hurting Y/n's feelings. I tried feeling sad because I had mild amnesia. I tried feeling angry, or frustrated at myself. It didn't work.

Maybe there was something out there that would trigger my emotions?

I turned into the radio which was playing Un Poco Loco. I smiled, despite feeling nothing. I used to love this song. I tapped the beat on the hospital bed with my fingers.

One day I would feel emotions again.


January 3, 2023. 9 am

It had been a while since left the hospital. Y/n rarely talked to me.

And I wish I didn't say this, but I didn't care. I couldn't really help it. I didn't even miss Coco.

I didn't even feel bad about these things. I tried to, but I was always empty.

I hadn't touched a guitar after I was released, no matter how much I wanted to.

But now was the time. Y/n just happened to be visiting me, and she sat awkwardly in a chair in my room.

I grabbed the guitar at the side of my shed, and stared down at it. My fingers hovered over the strings. But they retreated back to my side. I sighed and set the guitar back where it was.

It just didn't seem right. I couldn't seem to remember the cords for all of my favorite songs. I decided I would wait longer.

One day I would be proudly playing in the plaza again.

✅Kidnapped - Miguel x Reader✅Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu