Chapter Six

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March 26, 2019. 3 pm

I decided today was the day I would confess my feelings to Y/n. I couldn't keep them in anymore. I could only hope this wouldn't ruin our friendship. Speak of the devil, because I had just spotted her in the plaza. My heart lurched, but it was now or never.

I walked up to her slowly.

"Hola, Y/n." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck. She turned around.

"It's good to see you, Miguel." She greeted me back. "I actually have something to talk to you about." I saw her fidget nervously.

"I have to tell you something to, but you can go first." I blurted out.

I jumped a little in surprise as she took my hand led me away from the crowds. I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach at the physical contact. She stopped at a secluded and tranquil area.

"Miguel. Promise me that no matter what I say, you'll stay my best friend?" She took a deep breath.

"Of course." I replied, stunned.

"Miguel." She repeated, and I nodded to tell her to continue. "I really like you. Like Like you. Do you maybe want to... Go out with me?" She spoke really fast, her face a bright red. I blinked my eyes a couple of times, shocked.

I just smiled really big at her.

"Sí." Was my simple answer.

3 years later

November 1, 2022. 6 pm

I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I was in simple yet elegant, yet colorful dress. I had a date to celebrate Dia De Los Muertos. Despite the fact that I rarely dress up, I still thought I looked pretty good. I reached my hands behind my back to zip it up. However, I couldn't zip the whole thing up. I signed in exasperation.

"Miguel!" I called my boyfriend to help me. In a flash he was in the room. "Can you zip up the rest for me?"

"Anything for you, mi amor." He gave me a smile. It was silent for a moment, except for our breathing, as he zipped up my dress. Even though I was seventeen, I still felt flustered at the small gesture. I was still a giddy fangirly teen on the inside. "Almost done?"

"I can add the final touch when we get there." I grabbed a small black box as we walked out.

"Mama?" I heard my little Coco's voice from behind me. My now five year old daughter stood in the hall. "Can I come with you and Papa?" I look to Miguel to see his expression. "Pretty please?" She begged, making puppy dog eyes.

"Miguel?" I have my boyfriend a questioning look. He simply shrugged.

"If it's fine with you, it's fine with me."

"You can come." I spoke as I took her small hand. We made our way to the graveyard filled with ofrendas with all kinds of offerings. D/n looked fascinated by everything. We all sat under a big tree, taking in the sights. I looked at the black box in the palm of my hand. In curly golden letter, it said: 'Diana'

Diana was my great aunt. She passed away before I was born. I may or may not have stolen this from our ofrenda, but it was a beautiful necklace. And my great aunt wouldn't have minded. I opened the container.

Some of the petals around us flickered in a glowing orange. Miguel seemed a little unnerved by this. D/n sat in my lap.

"Wanna do the honors?" I asked, referring to putting on the necklace.

"Of course." He took the necklace from my hand and clipped it on. He placed his hands on my shoulders. I could feel him tense as the orange petals around us flew up and started glowing. They floated back down. "It can't be..." I heard Miguel whisper. I saw Vero walking around. I stood up and began to walk into someone. However, someone walked right in my path! As I was bracing myself for impact, it never happened. The person walked straight through! That wasn't even the weirdest part.

I noticed that there was skeletons everywhere.

"What the?!"

"Y/n... I think we're in the Land of the Dead."

✅Kidnapped - Miguel x Reader✅Where stories live. Discover now