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After Their Long Wait

•Harry POV•

"That took ages, 'innit Louis?" I say looking down towards my husband before we climb into the carriage, that I hope stops at the top. Louis sets our bag down beside him and we get strapped in.

"Yeah," he says quite exasperated but happy the wait is over.

The ride starts and is slow so I set my arm around Louis shoulder letting him lean on me. He sets his hand on my chest and starts drawing for a bit.

"Do you think letting Damsel play football would be a good idea?" As I take in this information Louis says to me, I start to think. I won't be able to see her first game, first win, and first goal. Everything that's going to happen when I leave... I can't be involved in it. I have to take that to heart and understand that letting her do this and not holding her back would be the best.

"Of course, I won't be their for a lot of it but I do think she deserves this," I look down to him and he looks up to me with sorrow trying to detect any regret in my words I assume.

"I love you," he says while leaning further into me, still rubbing shapes on my best in a calming motion.

"I love you as well," I say quietly while holding him tightly against my side, as if to never let him go. We stay there in silence that was more of a moment for me to think. I was going to Dunkirk in 9 days and everything would be different. My baby was going to play football and my husband was going to be the only one there to watch her grow through it. I run my fingers through Louis hair and try to calm down from the fact that soon, my days were gonna turn into restless nights and mornings turn into torturous shootings.

"On her first day, I'll send you pictures and everything," I look down at Louis and hold a small smile.

"Thank you," I say setting a kiss upon his small features. The ride stops back at the bottom and I exit, Louis putting our bag on. I grabbed his hand and interlace them while continuing to walk.

"I'm going to miss you, Haz." I look down at him only to see a tear and big eyes staring up at mine I quickly walk to the sidelines of the sidewalk and look at Louis. I take his face in my hands and run my thumb over his tears. I quickly engulf him in a hug, letting him wrap his arms around my waist to get accustomed to this embrace.

"It's going to be alright baby, nothings going to happen and I'll be back before you know it," I say meaning every word while muffling my words against his soft hair. I'm still holding him; swaying slightly. I look at my watch to see it is 8:30. "We need to go see where damsel and the boys are at, I'll call them up really quick."

We untangle from the hug allowing me to pull my phone out, I stop for a moment to look at my screen to see Louis, Damsel and I when we went to Sea World when she was 2. I continue my task and go to the call section and call Charlie's phone since he is older than Shawn by a handful.

On the third ring he picks up.


"Hi, I was wondering where you guys were, since we think it's time we should head out to eat then get back to the hotel." :Harry

"Ok, um, we are in Tomorrowland near the entrance at the first ride on the left." :Charlie

"Ok. How was she?" :Harry said as he grabs Louis hand and caresses his knuckles.

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