chapter 17

184 10 2

2 months later


I walked to the bathroom and went into the stall with vomit threatening to fall. I threw up in the toilet and pushed my hair back.

"Ny is that you? you ok?" I heard Milan say outside the stall.

"Uh yeah i'm fine, it's probably something I ate" I said getting a tissue to wipe my mouth.

"Well I can ask Rashad to
let you go home for the rest of the day" She said and I came out the stall.

"Oh no it's not that serio-

Before I could finish I was back in the stall throwing up and Milan was looking at me weird.

"Did y'all use protection Nyla?" She asked me out the blue which had nothing to do with this.

"What , me and rashad? that has nothing to do with this" I said and she smirked leaning back on the wall.

"Nyla I hate to say it but you might be pregnant" She said and I laughed.

"I would of been known, I don't think so" I said getting up.

"You did tell me your period didn't come on" She said and I rolled my eyes.

"Go get me a test Milan hurry up too " I told her and she nodded and left.

She came back in 5 minutes and handed me he test. " Thanks" I said and went into the stall.

I pulled it out and peed on the stick and wiped and flushed. I slid the stick under the stall cause I was afraid of what it was going to say.

"Get it Milan what does it say?" I said and I heard her pick it up and gasp.

"Positive " She said and as much as I wanted to cry I didn't. I just stood there in shock for a few minutes until Milan kept tapping me.

"Uh oh yes , that's great" I lied and walked out the bathroom and to Rashad office. Nobody answered the door until I heard it open and Salissa was there with a smile on her face.

"Can we help you slut?" She asked and I seen Rashad fixing his pants. I sighedand rolled my eyes.

"I need to talk to him " I said trying to walk past her but her arm was in the way.

"Bitch there's nothing y'all have to talk about, get back to work" She said and I ran my tongue over my teeth.

"Girl would you just fucking move ?" I asked , I didn't want either of us to fight since now we were both pregnant.

" Aye fuck going on" Rashad asked walking up behind Salissa grabbing her waist.

I chuckled and sighed. " I needed to talk to you but fuck it and I quit " I said throwing off the name tag and walked to get my belongings and out of Walmart. I put my hair in a ponytail and look around to find some way to get home.

I walked to the nearest bus stop and plopped on the seat. I looked on my phone to see Rashad had texted me a couple of times and Milan did too.

After 30 minutes the bus pulled up and I sneaked on after his old man and found a seat in the back. A tear rolled down my face as the bus pulled off, I don't want to abort this baby but i'm not financially stable to keep it with my young ass.

The bus stopped to a stop close near home so I got off the bus. I walked until I finally made it to apartments and I used my key to get in. I seen Unc in the kitchen cooking and that's where I went.

"Smells good " I said forcing a smile on my face because the smell almost made me gag.

"Yeah you want some? how was work?" He asked and I sighed.

"Of course and work was... okay" I lied and he nodded his head.

"Well you look drained get some rest , ima take some of this over to Destiny " He said grabbing a container. " I'll leave you some too " He added.

"Yeah okay thanks unc and tell her I said hey" I said and walked off to my room. I grabbed some clean clothes and underwear and walked to the bathroom. I turned the shower on and let my hair down , it's been a while so i guess I need to wash it.

I sighed and stripped out my clothes and stepped into the shower, I washed my hair and my body about 2 times each. I bent down in the shower running my fingers thru my hair and started crying. The water was hitting me and made me cry even harder.

I guess I should of known I could get pregnant but I wasn't thinking, I should have left him alone since Salissa always gon have his heart despite what he told me.

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