17; Confession

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*Ashton's POV*

Keeleigh doesn't realise how drunk she is until she walks out the door and the air hits her. I see her begin to stagger all over the place and she falls backwards. Using my lightning speed, I run towards her and I manage to reach her just before she hits the floor. I put my arms out to break her fall and help her back up onto her feet.

"Exactly how much have you had?" I ask her trying to hold back my amusement, but I fail and I let out a laugh at the state she is in. She is so drunk she can barely keep herself stood up now.

"H- Hey, don't laugh at me. I haven't had that much" she manages to say waving a finger at me and giggling. Not much eh? Maybe she needs to re-think that.

"Maybe you should re think that, because you can barely stand up by yourself, let alone walk. As soon as the air hit you that was it" I told her.

"I'm fine, I'm just a little tipsy. I can handle myself" she said before nearly falling over again.

"Nope, you can't".

I linked my arms in hers and began to walk with her. She was beautiful even when she is drunk. I'm so glad that destiny chose her to be my mate. I couldn't think of anyone better.


*Katie's POV*

Back at the house, I had suddenly realised that Keeleigh was still gone. Although, I wasn't exactly sure how much time had passed. I stood still on top of the table for a minute with a bottle of beer in my hand. I thought about where Keeleigh said she had gone. Struggling to remember, and standing on top of the table for five minutes, I finally remembered where she said she had gone.

"Oh that's right, she's gone to get more alcohol. I'm sure she will be back soon" I thought aloud. Little did I know that she wasn't going to be back before the boys.

I put a foot forward and attempted to step down from the table. However, I caught my foot wrong and I went flying off tha table! As I went down, I felt my head hit something and then total blackness consumed me.


I woke up in the middle of the forest where Keeleigh was taken by the vampire. Oh no, has she been taken again? How on earth did I end up back here?

"It's a dream" I heard a voice say from behind me and I realised I was saying those things out loud.

"A dream? What do you mean?" I asked turning around and seeing a shadow behind me. I couldn't work out who it was because it was dark, but they had a low voice and seemed quite tall.

"You have just been knocked out and your dreaming" He answered me.

"Last thing I remember I was -" I started.

"Dancing on the table, and about to get down".

"Yeaaah, I caught my foot wrong and I fell. I must of bashed my head on the cupboard".

"That's exactly what you did, and now your dreaming. But don't worry, you're not dead. You will come back around soon.

"Who are you" I asked the figure.

"I Am -" He started, but he was interrupted by people calling my name.

"Katie, Katie!" I heard voices that I recognised.

*Dream over*

*Keeleighs POV*

I had come to the realisation that I was a little bit drunk, and Ashton... Ashton! The vampire who had hit me, twice... was now holding onto my arm and keeping me steady. We were walking towards the forest, and soon I found that we were in the same clearing in the middle of the forest that we were when he kidnapped me. I suddenly stopped in my tracks and stood frozen to the spot, scared that he was going to hurt me again, or something worse. I looked around and I could see the house where he held me captive in the far distance.

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