If he doesn't trust me by just seeing the items I know that their peculiar scent will convince him.

"You mean it's all true ?" Nate questions, a new glint of excitement in his eyes and I nod smiling a little.

I look at Leila and she sighs before turning into her beautiful coyote form. I hear Jared hold his breath.

"Definitely not a werewolf." He mumbles.

"No. She is a were-coyote. And a strong one at that."

"Thanks." She beams as she stands back up on her feet in her human form, completely naked, her clothes shredded to pieces.

Jared's eyes bulge as he racks them over her curves. She lifts an eyebrow at him and he quickly fidgets out of his jacket to wrap it around her shoulders.

"Much better." She sighs as she closes it around her.

'She was always one to show off.' My wolf smirks.

Let's say she's not shy.

'Do the same. I'm sure you'll get Nate's attention.'

Are you crazy ?!

I look at him, expecting to find him ogling her too but to my surprise he is observing the pictures intently as if unfazed by the naked woman in front of us. I feel instantly better and the wave of jealousy dissipates.

"So these clans were also attacked ?" He asks seriously, back to his alpha role.

"From what I've heard the yetis and gnomes were attacked, and Bertha says unicorns and griffins were killed."

"I'm sorry, unicorns ?" Jared cuts in his jaw hanging open.

"Hope, let me handle this." Leila offers before turning to Jared and showing him her pearly smile. "Beta Greg," She makes the mistake on purpose and I have to fight not to laugh. "let the adults discuss, it's not play time yet."

I see him grit his teeth annoyed. I ignore their banter and concentrate back on Nate who observes them with an amused smile on his face. He seems to be enjoying it as much as I do.

I can hear the other alphas growing impatient, the commotion getting louder in the other room.

"We should go back." I inform the three of them. "I will explain everything to everyone."

Nate nods and him and Jared exit the room, the latter still shocked.

"Unicorns, can you believe it ?" He shakes his head.

I wait until they are out of hear shots before starting.

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem, I always feel better in the nude." She winks at me.

"Did Jordan show you my room ?" I ask her.

"Yes. And let me tell you, I will try that bubble bath before I leave."

I laugh at her.

"Well, if you remember the way you can go up there and grab some of my clothes."

"I don't know," She poses taking a whiff of the jacket. "I think I like that smell."

"I don't think Jared will take it back." I smirk.

"Never intended to give it back." She smiles back.

She hesitates an instant before continuing.

"So, that Alpha"

"Nate." I help her.

When the Sun meets the MoonWhere stories live. Discover now