Henry Laurens Was Such a Good Dad

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The title is sarcasm, btw, fuck that guy.

"I purpose [Jack] shall go to Britain & there be first initiated at Winchester which I am told has greatly retrieved its character for Learning & discipline & from thence to such University as my friends who are better Judges than I am shall advise, among whom I am permitted to number Your Excellency & if nothing very cross interposes to hinder, either Jack or I or both will go to Augustine before he goes to England, but the Monkey insists upon being Major of the Clyster pipe."

—From Henry Laurens to James Grant, November 24, 1770.

"Mayor of the Clyster pipe" could mean two things:

—The footnotes for this letter state that a clyster pipe is "Used in the giving of an enema", meaning that John still wanted to be a doctor.

–This one was most likely a coincidence, but, having fondness for clystering was a gay euphemism. So did he know??

–He also called John a monkey, so like fuck you too Henry.

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