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Mop mop mop (:

"That was weird." I say it myself looking at the envelope.

I slowly open it up to see what was inside of it, curiously.

'We welcome you to come to the wedding of Lauren Michelle Jauregui and Alexandria Lea Banner on June 17.'

It simply read. I shook my head, and showed it to Demi beside of me.

Demi read the letter over and over again, after a couple minutes she shook her head and we both took a seat on the couch inside of the apartment. "I can't believe this..." she said, throwing the letter onto the coffee table. "She cheats on you, tries to keep you away from your own kids, is with that- that bitch! They expect you to go to their god damn wedding?! What the fuck?" Demi shakes her head, taking a sip from a cup of water she had.

"I know..." I simply say, shaking my head. "I'm not going though, no way in hellven.." I quietly speak.

Demi opens her mouth to speak when we hear the door swing open, and bounds in a happy Ashley with a bag in her hand as she plops down between me and Demi on the couch, dropping the bag onto the coffee table as well as she throws her arms around Demi and me.

"Wassup?" she says, pulling us against her. "I got sweets for the kid." she said, pointing towards the bag she had. "Got it all for free."

"Whale.... you see, Lauren and Alex are having their wedding soon and I got a fuckiing invite to the wedding just now." I say, reaching and grabbing the letter to show to Ash, handing it to her. She takes the letter and reads over it, tossing it onto the table afterwards.

"Wow..." she shakes her head. "You going?" she inquires.

I shake my head in reply. "Why would I go?"

"Good point." Ash says. "Wheres Alice at anyway?"

"She's asleep right now, taking a nap in her room." I tell my best friend.

Ash nods her head. "Well these are for her though." she says, again.

I nodded my head and soon we all fell into silence on the couch.


It was the next day when I got a surprising phone call. Hesitantly I picked it up at the sound of the familiar ringtone, and put it to my ear as I listened closely to the person on the other line. But all I was met with was The Sound Of Silence. Wow.

"Hello? Anybody there? Hellooooo?" I asked to the silence, which landed on deaf ears apparently. I sighed and shrugged. I was about to place the phone down when I heard something on the other line. Silent words being spoken, words from a source familiar which I knew of. It was followed by another, as well. A voice unfamiliar. A voice deep, and masculine in sound. Unknown to my ears, to my mind. I had no idea who it was. Who it could be. Except for the one I knew who, the owner of the phone that is.

A tear escapes from the corner of my eyes as I hear the words be spoken from the other side.

"Goodbye..." I murmur, as the tears began to fall down my cheek.

Im bad at this game. At this shit. At this love. I swear....


A/N: what can I say except "you're welcome!" for the bloody update, maties! Arghhhh.

But yeah...here ye go, my little goats! :)


Long live the Shrizzaco!

SOTD:  Break My Heart by Hey Violet (up top)

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