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"No, of course not Finn. But I want you here. I know you have to go. And I'm here saying don't but I'm you wife and I love you and I'm allowed to be worried about you traveling half way across the world, leaving me and our four month, to-" I was cut off the waitress who was asking if we were ready to order. We weren't by Finn said yes so I quickly had to look at the menu while he ordered. After placing our orders, no one said anything. Through out the dinner, no one said anything after our intense conversation. There were a few, "can you pass the salt," or "can I try your meal," comments but that was really it. Finn payed and then we left. We picked Allen up from Kurt's and put him to bed because it was already 8:30. I got a shower and then made myself some tea and wrapped a scarf around my neck and finished this weeks episode of "Grey's Anatomy," and Finn read in the bed. It wasn't until around 10:00 when I decided to go to bed. Finn was already asleep so I just got in bed and, again, had a sleepless night, thinking about Finn leaving.

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