The AfterMath

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I sat on the porch stairs as the guys went around and checked to make sure it was really over with and then they began to gather the bodies in two seperate groups.

One for the hunters and rougues. Another for our pack members who had passed away. The hunters and rougues bodies would be burned. Our pack members bodies would be burried in the upcoming days once their families were informed.

We would have a big memorial for our fallen. They would all be burried in the pack cementary.

I looked up as I heard footsteps behind me. It as Logan. He came and sat next to me.

"I want to thank Soul for everything you did for me. For never losing hope in and always trusting me I truly can't begin to thank you for it all." He said to me.

"Logan you never gave me a reason not to. What happened in the past is just that.... The past and I can't hold anything against you from the past because that would make no better I just choose to learn from the mistakes and try to be a better person because we all have our own demons to deal with so why add the plate another." I told him. He put his arm around me and I leaned into him.

"Soul, I'm stepping down as Alpha." he said to me.

I looked at him. "It's yours now. And after today you truly earned it Logan." I told him. He shook his head.

"It was never really mine soul. It was Jayden's first he deserves his pack back." He said to me.

I looked down. All my life I thought my brother had been dead to just find out years later he thought we had been dead. When I compare my life to his, he truly did have a hard journey to here.

Finding and having his mate accept him wasn't easy either and I just seemed to have everything he could ever wanted. 

I had an alpha mate. I had a family of my own. I had two packs. And yet here I was.

"I'm sorry." I told him.

"What are you sorry about?" He asked me.

"Logan you deserved so much more than this.... more than what life has offered you and yet here you are ready to step down from the alpha position. What I am trying to say is that meanwhile I failed both my packs being there you have done nothing but train and give the pack your support which lead them to winning today." I answered.

"Soul.... I have more than I could ever want. I have my family back. I found my mate and we are happy together. You are alive right now. And I am alive and ready to see what life has for me. So I do have everything I could ever want and for the pack well maybe it just wasn't meant for me to be an alpha the pack fought for something out there today. They faught for their pack and their family not because I gave them the training but because this pack is everything to them and always will be." He told me.

I hugged Logan.

"How about we don't think it right now it feels nice just to be back here with you and be able to feel at peace for once." I told him.

I laid my head back onto his shoulder.

"But she's still out there Soul." He told me.

I closed my eyes. Logan was right Lucile was still out there somewhere maybe she was even watching us right now but I couldn't let that get in the way of my happyness right now. I just wanted to be normal for a moment and enjoy my life.

Being alive again and being able to be with my family because they truly were everything.

"You know when I realized it was actually you out there I was scared that I would loose you again. And I couldn't help but blame myself for it all." He said to me.

"It's not your fault." I said to him.

"But I was a part of them Soul I trained and fought besides them I was as much of a rougue as they were needless to say I was the cause of your mates death." He said to me.

I shook my head. "Logan that's in the past okay what matters is that we are all here right now happy and together. Let's not think about it right now okay I just want to enjoy being back with my family I missed you guys." I said to him.

He hugged me. "We missed you too." He answered.

I smiled.

I looked up as a car stopped infront of the house. I let go of Logan and stud up as the door open. My eyes filled with tears as my kids walked out.

A second after the passenger door opened and Jocelyn stepped out. I could Logan step forward as he too stared at them.

I hadn't been gone too long but long enough for them to look so grown up. Tears formed at my eyes as they looked at the Jocelyn and she pointed towards me.

They looked at me for a second before they recognized me and ran towards me.

I ran up to them and hugged them. They hugged me back.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry for leaving you." I said to them as I cried. They hugged me tighter in response.

"I missed you mommy." Alanna said to me. I smiled letting my hand trail down her hair.

"I miss you both so much you have no idea how much I hated myself for leaving you both." I told them. I stud up and turned and saw Jayden standing there surprised.

"Mom who is he?" Mathew asked as he hugged me.

I looked at the kids before looking at Jayden as he stud there nervous.

I smiled at him and held out my hand to him. "They won't bite." I whispered to him as he slowly toke my hand.

He walked over to us and stared at them shocked that this was really happening.

"Alanna.... Mathew do you guys remember Jayden?" I asked them. 

The shook their heads. They had meet him when they were just babies his death had been months ago and their aging had been quick from what I was seeing they wouldn't remember him at all.

"He's your dad." I told them.

"Isn't dad in heaven?" Mathew asked.

"He was.... I was.... but we are here now and we promise we won't leave." I told them.

The both went and hugged Jayden. Jayden was surprised at first but after a few seconds he returned the hug.

 My closed my eyes as a tear rolle down my cheek but a smile was on my lips. My family was complete again.


So I know in the past chapter or two I mentioned the end was so close and well guys it truly is here there is maybe three chapters left to this sequel.... So sad but I am so happy with what it has turned out to be I could have not asked for a better chance.

I am truly thankful guys that you all toke the time to read and support this book it truly has meant alot to me seeing all your votes and comments thank you so much.

Updates are slow because I am trying to make the ending the best possible and I kinda don't want the book to end either.... lol but i promise you guys will love the ending.

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Where stories live. Discover now