Un Bain De Sang

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Complete and utter chaos.

That was all we saw as stepped closer to the field where Logan and pack fighters and warriors were. I turned and looked for Logan.

I was about to step into the field when Jayden grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"Soul... don't" He said to me. I turned and faced him.

" Don't what? Don't go help my brother and let him die. Don't go and help our pack and watch them die while we stand to the side. What about our kids Jayden they were raised better than this and you know it." I told him.

He looked away from me. "You know it's not that Soul we can't go into that field and fight that is not why we are here for. We are not here for them. We have something we have to do and you know it." He told me.

I looked back onto the field.

Jayden was right I was letting my feelings get in the way of our real purpose for being here. We weren't here to be part of this war. We were here to take care of the base of this war. The Rougue and Hunter.

I looked away knowing that if I didn't I wouldn't be able to turn away and leave my brother and my pack there to face their deaths.

"Okay. Let's go." I told him. He nodded and let go of my wrist.

We started running towards the pack house. My thoughts get going to Logan so I didn't notice when Jayden had stopped running. I ran straight into his back and fell on my ass.

I was about to yell at him when I noticed the wolf infront of us.

The wolf growled at us as it tried to find a weak spot to strike.

"Jayden..." I whispered but stopped when the wolves view shifted towards me.

He growled at us. I stayed on the floor.

"Soul run." Jayden whispered to me.

"Jayden...I can't." I told him but he stopped me.

"Soul run now go I'll take care of this." He growled at me. I stared at him. A tear rolling down my cheek.

"Go Soul!" He screamed at me again. I nodded and stud up and ran.

I turned and saw Jayden growling at the wolf trying to keep him distracted from me. I ran for my life I knew I had to reach the pack house I had to find them.

But I couldn't worry about Jayden I couldn't loose his again.

I stopped as I neared the pack house and shifted knowing I would be better of in my wolf form anyways. I ran the rest of the way to the house.

I spotted Jocelyn.

I ran into the field as the first wolf stepped out. Hunters following the rest of the wolves. I ran towards the pack as they shifted. Jocelyn remained behind a guy who didn't shift.

I was about to reach them when a wolf attacked me. I fell to the ground as it bit my front leg. I howled in pain and pushed him off me. I stud up limping.

I looked at Jocelyn. What was she doing out here? Sh ewas going to get killed out here. She was human she couldn't stand a right with the hunters much less a fight with a werewolf.

I ran to her side. The guys growled at me but didn't get a chance to do much because a wolf knock him to the side. I turned and toke out a hunter.

I let out a whimper as I stud on my leg.

"Who are you?" I turned and faced Jocelyn.

I looked at her of course she wouldn't remember me she had never seen me in my wolf form, and it was better this way so noone else would recognize me.

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Where stories live. Discover now