The Funeral

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*Jocelyn P.O.V.*

The pack stayed in their rooms or out of the way. Ash and Michael were in the office most of the time talking about things. Logan was with his parents trying to comfort them.

And I was here looking after the kids.

I would have really have liked being somewhere else. I know that sounds harsh but I was afraid they would ask me about Soul... What could I say then?

I was in no place to tell them their mom had died... That she was in heaven with daddy.

The kids had woken up half an hour ago. I had them eat breakfast then they wanted to play. The funeral would take place in three hours.

Michael had decided with Logan, Logans parents, and Ashton it would be best if her body was burried next to Jayden since they were mates in the end.

I was instructed to watch the kids and get them ready for the funeral. But before the funeral we would break the news to the kids.

I was in lala land I didn't hear my phone ringing at first.

"Hello?" I said answering.

"Hey it's just me Jo. I wanted to let you know I'll be around the house in about two hours. An hour before we the funeral to check in on things. On the kids." Logan said.

"Yeah okay then see you then." I said to him.

"You know I love you right?" he said to me.

I blinked away the tears.

"With all my heart." I said to him.

"I always will and I will do anything to make sure you are safe." He said to me.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I closed my eyes.

"Logan everything will be okay. We will be okay." I said to him. He was telling me his goodbye incase anything happened. After yesterday we all realized that we have our days our hours... our minutes... and our seconds were counted to that very last one. After what happened with Soul we knew deep inside we should say our goodbyes so we later we didn't regret not having so.

"But I need to know for myself that I said it that I told you this that I love you and always will. Meeting you was the best thing that happened to me." He said to me. 

"Don't do this Logan it makes me think you'll go out there and get yourself killed. Let's get through one day at a time okay. I love you too." I said as I wiped away my tears.

"See you then." Logan answered.

"Love you bye." I said and he hung up.

After they played they watched some tv had another snack before I got them readyf or a shower.

When I was done I got Alanna dressed in a black dress with some black flats with bows on them. I brushed through her hair and added a bow to the side leaving it down. I got Mathew into some dark jeans and a black shirt. I put on some shoes and combed his hair. I looked at them. They were an exact copy of Jayden and Soul. My eyes filled with tears but I wiped them away and finished getting them ready. Once they were ready I toke them done with a pack member.

"I have to get ready can you watch them for a few minutes?" I asked Emily.

She nodded and tried to smile. "It'll be my pleasure Jocelyn." she said.

I nodded. I knew everyone was having a hard time. Everyone now wondered and worried for the kids.

I went back upstairs and toke a shower.

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz