Born Connection

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I groaned and rolled over, only to feel the pain in my chest and shoulder. My eyes shot open with a gasp, and I was instantly moved to my back again. "Soul?" I looked over and saw Michael holding my hand.

"Logan... is he still here?" I asked. I needed to know.

"Um... Soul, Logan passed years ago..?" He looked at me utter confusion.

I shook my head. "No, he didn't. I saw him earlier, in the battle field. I ordered for Luke to take him to the cells." I cried, the pain in my chest becoming more unbearable.

"Ray!" Michael yelled.

"Alpha? Oh." Ray said, stepping inside. He instantly came over and gave me a shot of some-sort. The pain wavered, but I needed to go. I needed to see Logan.

"Mike, help me up." I demanded, sitting up.

"No Soul, you need to rest." He told me, gently pushing me back down.

I shook my head. "I need to see him." I forced myself into a sitting position, crying out slightly. "Either you help me, or I'll do this myself." I warned him, my teeth clenched in pain.

"I hate to tell you, Alpha, but if you don't help her, she'll tear her stitches." Ray informed Mike. Woo! Team Soul in the works!

Michael growled, but helped me stand. I whimpered slightly, but stood up. Most, if not all my weight was on Mike, but I was up. "Are you sure you don't want me to carry you?" Mike asked, full of concern. "You were out for three days..."

"No." I told him firmly. "Damn pride..." I muttered to myself. He helped me move slowly to the pack house.

Once we were inside the noise stopped and I looked up and saw everyone staring at me like I was a miracle. Pride and relief in their eyes.

I let the shock subside before I spoke. "Everyone." I said to them not sure what to say.

They all immedietly dropped to one knee, and bowed. "Luna."

I smiled bashfully a moment, before getting back to business. "Stand." They did. "I would just like to say, that you all did admirably. We were caught off guard, and we managed to make it through with minor casualties." I looked up at Michael and his eyes held nothing but concern and pride for his mate. He nodded, reading my thoughts. I faced both packs once more. "We will be holding a meeting with both packs present later this evening. I have a few matters to attend to first. As of now, New Blood may make yourselves at home here. As for my pack, please treat them as you would a fellow pack member, with open arms and respect. That is all." They nodded, and went back to what they were doing. "Where are Alanna and Mathew? Did I get there in time?" I asked Mike fearing the worst.

"Yes baby, you did. They are upstairs sleeping. Luke, Christine, and your parents are guarding them right now. I knew they would be the only ones you would trust them with." Mike informed me, kissing my forehead.

"Good. I need to get to the cells." I told him. His face fell, but he nodded. He helped me to the door that led down, and I whimpered the whole way. My chest is killing me! I panted the entire way down the stairs and was whining without meaning to.

We finally made it to the bottom, and we stopped to let me catch my breath. I looked up, and almost fainted as all the old memories hit me like a train. The torture, the pain, the rape... I couldn't breathe. I felt Mike grab my face in his hands as he tried to calm me down. "Breathe. Soul, baby, breathe." I eventually sucked in a breath, and Mike pulled me to his chest slowly without hurting me "It's okay baby, please don't cry... Everything will be okay I promise" I didn't even notice I was.

"I-I'm okay." I stuttered, wiping the tears off. "It just brings back so many memories..." Michael growled, knowing what I meant.

He nuzzled the mark on my neck, sending a tingles down my body. "That will never happen again." I nodded, and kissed him lightly before we continued down the corridor. We passed many cells on the way, and I had memories in all of them...

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Where stories live. Discover now