The Moon Godess

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*Souls P.O.V.*

I laughed as Jay tried to do yoga. I had always wanted to learn how to do yoga but back then I didn't have time to sit down and actually try and learn or take lessons so I had decided todya would be a yoga filled day.

We truly didn't know what to do we usually walked around the place, sat and talked or looked at the packs and wondered what we were meant to do. So I decided to make today fun.

"Oh my god don't hurt yourself!" I laughed outloud as he tried to do a spilt type pose and he fell sideways.

"How do woman do this and make it seem so easy?" He asked as he laid on his stomach.

"Big bad alpha can't even do a split pose!" I said laughing. He tackled me.

"Don't test my big bad alpha skills young grasshopper." He said licking my nose. I jumped making his fall off me.

"Ewwww ewww ewww I can't believe you actually did that! Ewwww you licked my freaking nose! Jay you are so gross!" I sai wiped my face. He just laughed at me.

"Baby my tongue used to be inside your mouth and we did do the act so a tongue lick is the least of you worries." He said to me. I turned volcano red.

"Jayden! Oh my god you are such a fucking kid!" I said to him.

He tackled me. I laughed. I noticed he had stopped laughing. He was looking at me with seriousness and concern on his face. Before I could ask what was wrong his lips were on mine. I closed my eyes and let myself go.

 He somehow managed to get me on top of him. He sat up.

We keep on kissing. I pulled away to catch my breath and he kissed my jawline. I opened my eyes.

"Jayden..." I whispered as he put his hands on my waist.

I missed his touch... his kisses.... I missed him.

I closed my eyes and brought his mouth back to mine and kissed him. We kissed for a long time that my lips felt swollen.

Finally we pulled away and I looked at him.

I knew I should have stopped. I shouldn't have kissed him but something in me missed him. I missed him so much and I just wanted things to be normal.

He was my mate. He was my first love. He was my everything once and I couldn't seem to give that up even in the end.

I stared at him. I felt as if I had betrayed Michael. I loved Michael but Jayden was a huge part of my life too and I couldn't just give up either one.

"I'm sorry I did that." he whispered to me.

I shook my head. "I didn't stop you from doing it. It's my fault too." I told him.

I got off him and sat next to him. "I miss it all of it." I told his honestly.

"I miss it too. I miss you." He told me. I looked at him.

"Jayden... I..." I closed my eyes. I leaned against him placing my head on his shoulder.

"I know. I love you too Soul." He whispered to me.

"I'm sorry things didn't work out for either one of you." I opened my eyes and saw a woman with really light brown hair. Her eyes were hazel and she was an average size. She had an angelic face.

"Thank you." I answered.

"My name is Olveg." She answered sitting infront of us.

"Also known as the moon godess." Jayden answered. She smiled and nodded.

"I am here because you both seem as lost as it can get. I am here to help you." She told us.

*Jocelyn P.O.V.*

I had spent all morning training with Michael. I was about to drop from how tired and sore my muscles were when he called it a day. I sat down where I was and looked out at the sky.

"Aunt Jo!" I turned and saw the kids ruining to me. I opened my arms and they ran into them.

"How was training kids?" I asked them. They smiled and told me they had fun and wanted to keep doing it more often.

I smiled. The pack loved these kids like they were their own.

I was about to ask them if they were hungry when someone came rushing ou the house.

"Luna!" He screamed. I turned and saw it was one of the pack warriors.

He rushed over to us. "We have to move." He said helping us up.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"They are here. The hunters and rougues were spotted just outside our perimeter we have to move you and the kids to the safe house." He said to me. The kids clinged to my sides.

"We can't go together." I told him.

"I know for safety reasons." I nodded.

I turned and kneeled. "Kids this is something serious. We have to go hide. Okay we will be okay but I need you to promise me you willt ake care of each other and run if you have to. Fight. This is our battle this is our time to stand up. I wish I could come with you but I can't I'll meet you at the safe house but for now this is a goodbye. I love you both so much. Your mom and dad would be so proud of you both right now. I'm proud of you." I told them as I hugged them. Tears rolling down my cheeks.

They hugged me.

"I don't want to lose you either Jo. Not like mom and dad." Mathew answered.

"Please don't die aunt Jocelyn. Please don't." Alanna cried to me. I hugged them.

"We have to move Luna." Mark told me. I nodded. I let go of the kids.

I saw more warriors and a few pack members come out. This was it.

We had planned it all out. When the time came the kids would be taken to the safe house with some warriors and pack members and if they were found they were to be seperated and to run with whoever was incharge of them. I was to stay here and watch over the women and kids of the pack. When we had a chance we were to run.

"No aunt Jocelyn." The kids screamed as they were taken. I closed my eyes not wanting to see them be taken away. I wanted nothing more than to be with them but I couldn't.

It was my duty as Luna to stay behind and help my pack. Even if it meant giving my life just like Jayden and Soul had.

The pack came before me.

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Where stories live. Discover now