Bring Her Home

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The next few days seemed to be chaos all around. The day after Soul's funeral her deed was read to us... and Aileen wasn't lying. 

Dear family,

If you are opening this letter it must mean that I am dead. As I write this letter my first thoughts are my children... Alanna and Mathew. I can't even begin to imagine what they will go through having lost both their parents at such a young age. I really hope my chhildren forgive me one day for not having been the mother they deserved. I dedicated my life to the pack after Jayden's death, when I should have been spending it with my family. I want my kids to grow up knowing how brave their father was... how good of a man he was to me. Ash... I want you to tell them how I met him. How he toke me into his pack and cared for me.  How he cared for them so much. And that just because things didn't work out with us doesn't mean they won't for them. To respect and love their mates. And Ashton thank you for being there for me through it all. Since the day I stepped foot onto this land you were there being friendly and caring to me. You made me forget my worries and stud by my side. I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for me, my kids and the pack. Jocelyn.... I just want to say that I have never meet anyone more stronger than you. FInding you that day was a gift from heaven. You have been more of a mother to my children than I have been... and for this reason I have decided to leave Alanna and Mathew in your custody. You and Logan are Alanna and Mathew's legal guardians from now on. Thank you for being there in many ways.

Logan... How can I even stress how sorry I am. I can't even begin to imagine the pain I've put you threw. I had just gotten you back. We were beginning to make up for the lost time. I wish I could have had more time with you but I know you will be alright I leave you in good hands. And lastly Logan... I leave territory, land, the pack house, everything in your name. It is all yours I hope you are a great Alpha along with Jocelyn by your side as Luna.

Michael... As I write this I cry to myself. I loved you so much. More than I ever loved Jayden. You were the love of my life and I wish I could have had more time with you... I wish I could have given you an heir... given you so much more but our time was cut short. I hope you understand my decisions I am doing the best for my pack. I love you. I always will.

To my children... what can I say? I have left you. I put your safetyness and well being first and it has cost me my life... and I don't regret any of it because I can at least rest in peace knowing you will be safe and happy besides uncle Logan and aunt Jocelyn.

To my parents I leave seperate letters as well for Alanna and Mathew. 

Logan seemed in shock. Ash seemed to know that Soul would have left the pack in her brothers hand since it only seemed right to keep the Alpha bloodline in family. Soul stated that it would be up to Mathew when he grew up if he wanted to step up and take the Alpha position as rightful heir to it, and if he didn't want to it would remain in Logan's hand and pass onto his first born son.

She also stated she wanted her kids to have a better life. She would not want anyone to under look them if they wanted nothing to do with their world.

There was a letter for Alanna. And one for Mathew. These letter would be given to them once they were old enough.

After the reading of the deed everyone seemed to try and make sense of everything. Michael hung around saying he had something to deal with here.

The next few days seemed to calm down. And eventually the house was once again quiet. Pack members began training again. Aileen was to remain in the pack house for safety.

My Brother, The Hunter **Being Revised/Edited**Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя