Jump||Revali x (Singer!)Reader Pt. 2

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It's about time I made a part two. After reading this, comment if you'd like a part 3. I'd like to make one, cuz I have a really good idea for it.
It's been one whole month since "Arrogant Ass" saved my life. Since then, I've been staying in Revali's house. He was the one who convinced me to stay with him. It's very comfortable. I'm glad I came to Rito Village. Oh! I forgot to mention! I actually ended up performing at the festival. I did...great. Revali would argue that statement. He claims that I was "outstanding in every way!!"
How cute.

I peer outside. It's raining hard.
Real hard. "Guess I'm staying in tonight..." I mutter quietly. Currently, I'm inside Revali's hut-like house. I was laying in my hammock, strumming on my guitar. It's been awhile since I've played a tune. It's also been awhile since I sang something.

Looking back outside, I frown. The Champion should be returning soon. I hope he's alright. This storm is looking pretty violent. "That idiot better be ok. I'm going looking for him, if he isn-"

"Who are you calling an idiot?" Smirked the one and only, Revali.

I roll my eyes and walk over to him. I throw my arms apart, welcoming him for a hug. He chuckles and hugs me, wrapping his wings around my body. His soft feathers and touch send tingles throughout my body. We pull away, both going to our hammocks.

Picking up my guitar again, I strum a lovely tune. It's similar to the one I hear playing in Rito Village. It has an Italian-like sound/energy. I close my eyes, feeling the energy of the music, course through my body.
Revali can't help but be swooned by the music playing. He gazed lovingly at the girl. Boy, did he catch feelings for her. Her personality and vibes were so infectious. He, however, had a hard time admitting to himself that he had caught feelings.

Just like how the music enveloped
Y/n's body, it took over his. Pure bliss and relaxation coursed through him. With the (now gentle) rain falling, everything seemed so peaceful. Revali always liked the sound of rain.
He got up from his hammock, walking over to his drawer.

He pulled out some red candles. Lighting them, he walked over to the bright lamp and turned it off.
The room glowed with a Christmas-like aura.

It was stunning. The music complimented the vibe and aesthetic perfectly. All that was needed was some wine or champagne. Revali grabbed those as well, along with some drinking glasses. The Rito poured the two of them some drinks for the night.
I open my eyes as I hear drinks being poured. I gradually stop my playing, turning to my roommate.
I see that he got some drinks for the two of us . I also notice the very romantic mood the room has.

I lay my guitar down, and walk over to Revali. He hands me a drink, winks, and puts on his usual cocky smirk.
I giggle, playfully smacking his arm.
Taking a sip, I sit down.

"Should I light the fireplace?"
Revali asked, out of nowhere.

  I smirk a cheeky grin at him.
"Doesn't this seem awfully romantic?"
His face flushes bright red for a second.
I continue.

"I mean...acoustic guitar, candles, wine...and now your telling me that you want to light the fireplace?"
I take a sip, gazing at him through the corner of my eye. His reaction is priceless. He's a stuttering mess!

"I-I never said t-that we had to!! I
j-just um...was suggesting it..?"
He's struggling to regain his cocky composure.

I start giggling uncontrollably.
Revali glares at me. He doesn't seem too happy with my laughing.
However, his reaction only makes me laugh more.

I fall off my hammock.


With a loud thump, my back slams down onto the floor. I sit up, wincing in pain. I'll probably have a bruise on my lower back tomorrow.

Revali sets his wine down, and walks over to me. After helping me up, he begins rubbing little circles on my back, to soothe the pain. We are silent throughout this.

When he finishes however, he turns and asks me, "Y/n...don't tell me you're getting tipsy over a few sips. I swear to Hylia..."

I grin at the Champion.
"Nah, I'm fine. And you know I don't get tipsy that quickly. The reason I fell off my bed, is because I'm a giggly bitch. You also know that."

"Pfft. Yeah that's true..." He laughs, sighing afterwards.

"Also...I was just messing with you. You can light the fireplace. It would be nice to have it on." I tell him.
He nods, walking over to it, and lights it.

~5 mins later~

Turning to him, I see he's pouring himself another glass.
"What a night this is going to be..."
As I'm sitting here, I can't help but admire the mood. I absolutely love it. I look towards the fireplace, seeing it crackle, with little sparks flying out.
It reminds me of...
Christmas with Zelda.

This makes me ponder about things. Is she still considered my "only friend", since I've met Revali? Is she doing ok? I haven't even visited in a long time...does she still remember me? Care about me? Or is she too busy to even notice I haven't spent any time with her, lately. I wish I knew the answers to these questions of mine.
But I don't.

"Hey, idiot. Come here." Commands Revali, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I walk across the room, stopping in front of him. "Come here~" He whines, playfully. His arms are thrown open. I sigh, and sit sideways on his lap, hugging him back.

"Hold up, let's get more comfortable." He says, adjusting himself.
Now, we are laying down in the hammock, together, wrapped up in each other's arms. I'm on top, while he's under me. I rest my head on his soft feathered chest.

We stay like this. It's so relaxing.
Both of us have our eyes closed, as we gently rock back and forth in the hammock. He's running his hands through my hair, as I lay on him.
It's so soothing. I'd love to fall asleep like this. And it appears that we probably will, fall asleep like this.

You know what's interesting? I kept sneaking little glances at the Rito under me. It was such a rare sight to see, the man in state of euphoria. Most of the time, he's trying to keep his snarky demeanor on display.

Here's the thing, though. He caught me looking at him. And when he did, he winked, smiled, and then caressed my cheek, for a few seconds.
I ended up nuzzling to his soft touch.
After seeing my reaction to his touch, he flashed his usual smirk, before resting his head back down, and closing his eyes. What a sight to behold...

Sigh...he makes me so happy.
He saved my life after all.

We fall asleep.

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