Cinnamon and Pumpkins||Teba x (Birthday!)Reader

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This was requested by cruisinqq
Also the art I found for this chapter is flipping amazing 😂👌🏻
      You woke up to the gorgeous sun and gentle breeze. You were currently staying at Rito Village Inn. Why you ask? Because it was your birthday. Rito Village was your favorite place to visit. Whether you needed alone time to think, or just wanted to be in a comfortable place, this was the number one location. There was another reason why you enjoyed coming here so much. Well it wasn't a reason...
It was more like a person.

He made your heart and non-existent wings flutter. Just everything about him. His voice, looks, personality, abilities. You just wanted him to scoop you off your feet and soar into the clouds. As a Hylian, you didn't have much of a chance. At least, that's what you always told yourself. In fact, whenever you tried to make conversation, it was a stuttering mess. It was humiliating.

   But it's your birthday. And right now, nothing could make you happier in all of Hyrule, than being here. The sunrise here leaves you breathless and in awe every single time. Anyway, everyone in the village knew it was your birthday. They memorized it, since you always came on this specific date. "I always wondered if Teba memorized my birthday. Or if he would get me something like the other Ritos..." you wondered.

As you walked out of the Inn, different Rito came up to you. Some gave cards, gifts, food, or just said "Happy Birthday!". All of this made you smile. You glance over to where the mountains are. More specifically, where Flight Range was. The snow gracefully fell over there. "Should I go visit him?" You asked yourself out loud.

"Screw it, why not?" You decided, grabbing your snow gear.

   You carried all the wonderful gifts and things you received, and stored them back at the Inn. You march off to the entrance bridge of Rito Village.

"You got this Y/n, you got this. Even though he's insanely attractive and a great leader, aND smart, AND well-built, don't be nervous. Just be confident and be more chill" (musical reference :P).

    As you wandered your way over to Flight Range, your stomach and anxiety couldn't calm themselves. The moment was approaching. You now stood in the snow, next to the sign for the range. "I should probably turn back.." you muttered. This almost seemed like a hopeless situation by now. "He's not going to talk to you! Why are you wasting time on your ~special~ day, here? The only thing you will receive from him is rejection." Your anxiety told you. It always seemed to have a voice of its own.

    "*Sigh* maybe your righ-"

"Y/N!!" Called a familiar voice.

    You slowly turned your head to face the Flight Range. Up on the Range, Teba was waving at you. "What are you doing here?! I wasn't expecting visitors..." He stated. "Come on up."

     You complied, trudging through the snow, and then climbing up the ladder. As you entered the tree-house like room, the smell of delicious food circled around you. It smelled a bit like cinnamon and pumpkin. The fire was lit in the middle, and everything felt so comforting. Your eyes fell half lidded, letting your whole body relax.

  You went over to a pile of blankets and pillows in a corner, and plopped down on them. Teba turned and looked at you, smiling at the sight.
"Heh.." He chuckled with his husky voice. You looked up at the bird-man, letting your cheeks turn a light rose color. "So.." He began.

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