Chapter 21: When Spark was Still Here

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Years ago, Candela, Blanche, and Spark were in grade school, like any other kid their age. They were about 10, all in the same class. Candela and Blanche were already friends before that, becoming best friends when Candela was in desperate need for a math tutor last minute.

The thing was, Spark never really fit in with the other kids. He wasn't very good at anything, even though he tried his best. Everyone around him thought he was too ecstatic. But Spark's dream was to become the best pokemon trainer of all time, even though he thought he had a long way to go.

Spark was the kind of kid who would annoy people in attempts to make friends. He had good intentions, but didn't know exactly how to act with people. He just wanted to have friends.

"Hey guys!" Spark called out one day, walking down the hallway. "Do you wanna see me embarrass myself?"

"No thanks, Spark," one said.

"Yeah!" The other agreed, "you're embarrassing enough already!"

Both kids walked away laughing, leaving Spark in sadness like any other day, but still he did not give up.

Another day, Spark turned a corner and asked excitedly, "Hey guys, do you want to see me fart from my nose?" Only to realize it was Heikin, the school bully.

"No, but I could make you bleed from it!" Heikin said. Suddenly, it seemed like the entire grade was watching now, all huddling around, seeing what will happen.

"Ooh! How do you do that?" Spark asked cluelessly.

"Like this!" Heikin punched him in the face, hurtling him into a trash can. Some people giggled as they watched, walking away to their next class. Spark burst into tears. All he wanted were some friends...

"Why?" Spark sniffled, "why does everyone hate me?"

The next morning, Spark wanted to skip school. He tried faking being sick, but his mother found out and sent him to school anyway.

So that day at school, Spark did not talk to anyone. The bubbly and cheerful Spark front before had been replaced with an anxious mess. Two students noticed him not being his usual self. Something must've happened...

As Candela passed Spark's seat, she was taken aback by how sad and desolate he looked.

"Spark isn't bugging me today," she whispered to her friend. "What's wrong?"

"I don't know..." Blanche replied. "But today doesn't seen the same without him..."

Later, Spark was ready to end this terrible day. He thought about the run-in with Heikin and started crying from his emotions. He felt so alone... so isolated... he just wanted a friend to tell him that it was all going to be alright...

Suddenly, a loud noise triggered Spark's instincts. He started to run. Faster and faster... Like lightning! But it turned out he was running the wrong way and ran straight into Heikin.

"I'm so sorry!" Spark said fearfully, trying to run in the opposite direction. Heikin pulled his hoodie, turning him around.

"Anyone who stands in my way goes DOWN!" Heikin threatened.

Spark wanted to scream. He wanted to cry... But he didn't.

He was going to be brave.

"No, I'm NOT going down!" Spark yelled, standing up. In a split second, Heikin pushed him down again. He tumbled to the ground in defeat, but he wouldn't back down. Suddenly, he heard a voice.

"Hey! Stop it right there!" Candela called. Spark and Heikin turned around. There, Candela and Blanche were standing side by side.

"If you do anything Spark, I'll make you regret it!"

"How about I just plow all three of you?" Heikin threatened in a violent tone.

"No!" Candela threw a shoe at him.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" Heikin yelled, charging at Candela.

Soon, crowds were starting to form, all watching the fight. The whole grade and possibly more were watching.

"Run, Spark," Blanche said. "We've got this..."

"No," Spark stated, looking up at her with wide eyes. And in those eyes, Blanche saw hope, hope that he would finally get a friend. Hope that everything would be fine.

"AAAARRGGHH!!!" Candela yelled, getting into a fighting stance. She slapped Heikin in the face.

"Pff! You're weak!" Heikin called back, taunting her.

"Call me weak again, I dare you!" Candela challenged.


Candela's fury grew to dangerous amounts. She punched Heikin in the stomach, making him stumble backwards. Meanwhile, while Heikin was distracted, Blanche was pouring a nice coating of quick-drying glue on the floor. Heikin slipped, doing a super silly-looking dance before falling bottom first onto the pile of super-glue. When he tried to get up, he couldn't. Everyone laughed.

"Sorry Heikin," Blanche smirked. "If you want to get up again, you have to leave your pants behind on the floor." Everybody burst into laughter at this statement. No one liked Heikin.

"What's going on?" the principal of the school asked, entering the scene. Suddenly, Blanche, Candela, and Spark felt guilty.

"Nevermind. I see Heikin had learned his lesson..." the principal said. "Are you okay, Spark?"

Spark smiled the widest smile of his life, his eyes starting to get watery, "My friends, Blanche and Candela, stood up for me!"

"We're your friends," Candela stated, taking his hand.

Blanche finished, "And friends help each other out."


Yes, Blanche thought, Those were the good days. Back when we were blissfully ignorant of war... back when...

Well, back when Spark was still here.

The Legend Thief - Part 5: The CureOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora