Chapter 12: The Reason

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Zapdos approached Ash. The sun was about to set, casting radiant colors everywhere. Ash sat at the edge of the ocean in Hawaii, waiting for news.

"Well?" Ash asked.

"There is a way to capture Mew. If we go to this place, then we will find the key," Zapdos explained, giving a piece of paper to him. He unfolded the paper, revealing a picture of a lake.

"Where is this?" Ash asked. "And where do you find this plant in the lake?"

"It's in China at the bottom of a secret lake in the middle of the Gobi Desert," Zapdos replied. "It's called a blooberry. If you use an X-ray and reverse the DNA, it will make the most powerful GMO razzberry in history!"

Ash nodded, finally understanding, "Then we can finally capture Mew!"

Raichu awoke with a start. He was bathed with sweat and was gasping for breath. He looked around at the sleeping people. He needed some time alone.

He climbed up the ladder to the air vent. He climbed out and sat on the edge of the Da Huang Ya, letting the water lap against his shoes. The cool breeze drifted in, and Raichu started breathing deeper. He sighed and started thinking about his dream.

Ash was after the blooberries too. And if he X-rayed them in such a way that it will reverse the whole DNA process, then it WILL make the most powerful GMO razzberry, er blooberry, ever seen! He could control every movement the pokemon does. Possibly even possess them! Like Zapdos possessed me... Raichu thought sadly.

"What did I even do when I was Zapdos?" Raichu whispered. He caused a war, he hypnotized people, and he forced people to join his team. Why should he be proud to call himself an Instinct? Why should he represent the people he betrayed? This is why people never forgave him. This is why Shelly never forgave him. After all the terrible things he did, how can he expect anyone to just forgive him? How can he expect to forgive himself? This was the first time he thought about it thoroughly, and now everything that Shell did to him seemed reasonable.

But this was not the time to be dwelling on the past. Now it was time to make up for all the terrible things he did. Now was the time to defeat a bigger enemy.

Ash Ketchup.


(Quinci: Yup. Sorry Raichu. It's the hard and honest truth.)


"Hey!" Shelly poked her head out of the SS Da Huang Ya. Raichu was sitting at the edge of the ship, staring into the distance. The sky was cloudy, and the waters lapped at the rubber sides.

"What're you doing up here?" Shelly pulled herself out of the duck, "It's late at night and we have a big day ahead of us tomorrow!"

"I'm just... thinking..." Raichu said. Shelly cocked her head, "Are you sure? It doesn't sound that simple..."

"Well... I... I had a vision!" Raichu blurted out, and then quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

"A vision?" Shelly asked. She crossed her arms, "Don't worry. I can keep secrets. Or... I respect them at least."

Raichu paused for a second, until his eyes met Shell's curious ones. They were pale blue, and they reflected the dark cloudy sky. Mysterious and peculiar. Should he tell her to leave? Or perhaps should he tell her about his dream?

"Ash. He's after the blooberries too," Raichu said quickly. 

Shelly was silent for a moment, before smiling, "That's not a secret! What's wrong with something like that?"

"Well... I thought you hated me." Raichu said, scrunching up his nose, "After what I did to Mystic and Valor in the Rebellion."

Shelly sighed and said, "You're right. I did hate you. What you did was terrible and hurt so many people."

"Thanks," Raichu grumbled.

"But I was wrong," Shelly said. Raichu looked up in surprise. Shelly continued, "That was never you. It was all Zapdos. Come to think of it..." She smiled, "I let my human eyes blind me from the truth."

"Okay...?" Raichu didn't really get what she meant, but he went with it.

"So, I guess I forgive you? Or perhaps, I should be the one saying sorry," Shell said sorrowfully. She climbed on top of the SS Da Huang Ya, and sat in silence.

The two sat at the top of the ship. The clouds began to swirl, and the sky turned murky. A single droplet of water fell from the sky, and Shelly caught it in her hand. A perfect pearl.

The raindrop was followed by its companions, and soon water was pattering on the sides of the ship. The waves grew, rocking the ship side to side.

"So cold..." Raichu said, shivering. His hair was damp, and plastered to his skin. Shell's hair was wet as well. Water droplets clung to each strand before falling onto the ship.

Raichu hugged himself and moved closer to Shell. She remained unaware, her face turned toward the falling rain. His fingertips tingled, but it wasn't from the cold...

A lightning bolt cut through the sky. It struck the water. Arcs of electricity seemed to jump in the water, and small waves became towering. The currents leapt toward the boat, but were repelled by the rubbery material of the boat.

"Get under!" Shelly cried, and she stood and jumped back inside. A second bolt flew down at the boat. Raichu grabbed it with his hands, absorbing the energy. He sent it flying back in the sky, which crackled and flashed in return.

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