Chapter 2- Truth Or Dare

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"Do you happen to have a crush on Hiccup?" she whispers.

"UGH! Why do people keep asking that?"

Anna had already asked me who I had a crush on, same with Hans. And now Merida!

"A little. We kind of just met so not really. Not yet anyways."


Fifteen minutes later (It's 10:45 PM now)

"Hiccup, I dare you to..."

Merida whispers the rest to him.

"Wait, WHAT?" he practically yells.

"I can't do that!"

She whispers something else to him.

"Oh, FINE!"

She whispers something else.

"Tomorrow? But tomorrow's Sunday, it's the day of rest!"

I hear him say.

Merida says, "Monday then."

"Monday," he agrees.

"Um... Rapunzel, truth or dare."


"okay, do you regret that you have brown hair or do you like it better?"

"I like it better", she says.

"Kristoff, truth or dare?"


"I dare you to play the game for fifteen minutes without talking."

Kristoff nods.

He walks over and taps Merida on the shoulder.


He gets out paper and pencil and writes:

"I dare you to come to dinner 15 minutes late..."

"Oh crap," says Merida.


"Truth. Why are you picking on me?"

"Because I feel like it. Do you have a crush on anyone?"

"Maybe... kind of..."

"Meaning yes. Okay."

"Um, Flynn."


"I dare you to make a hat out of toilet paper and wear it."

We all laugh.


Dragon Training has just ended. I can see Hiccup walking toward me.

"Hi," he says.


"Um, remember the truth or dare game we were playing yesterday?"


"Um, do you know how to get OUT of dares?"

"You could've chickened."

"Well, if I did, I would have had only one chicken for tonight!"


Wow Elsa, you've really gotten more intelligent since Friday!

"Um, so my dare- Oh my gods, Elsa I have a crush on you okay? That was my dare!"

He pauses, nervous.

"Do you like me?"

Hiccup's POV

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