Enter: Ray Piper and Nicolas/Nick

Start from the beginning

"I bet Inuyasha isn't either." I say sweat dropping at that.

"Actually I will allow that, since Kagome is your sibling she must know your decisions in this." Sesshomaru replied honestly. "Marriage will come soon, preparing it after my heat and we mate will be much better."
Sesshomaru puts his hand on my stomach against my camisole, and rubs my stomach gently. "I want to spoil the pup we have as much as I will spoil you in the future."

I laugh and put my hand on his. "If you spoil our kiddo too much they will be hard to handle in their teen years, and be too spoiled it will annoy you."

Sesshomaru chuckled and I then say. "Ha! Finally you laugh! GOAAAAAAAL! I GOT LORD SESSHOMARU TO CRACK!" I yell fist bumping the air and Sesshomaru chuckled more.

Yes, and I will oy laugh around you, nobody else, you may only have my laughter to yourself. Your jokes is what I fell in love with, your chipper personality, and your smile, all of you I love, everything about you, my mate, my perfect mate. I will cherish you til the end of days.
Sesshomaru mentally tells her, even though she cannot read his mind. Sesshomaru chuckled more watching her do her victory dance in front of him he admits is amusing and worth him chuckling a little. My how he loves her, she brightens his life entirely.

Sesshomaru smelled in the air bloodlust suddenly appear hundreds of miles away, bloodlust, jealousy, envy, vengence, and an aura that made him look upon the sky that had golds, blues, violets, and burgandies littering the sky the rising redish-orange sun was coming up into the world. Sesshomaru has a horrible feeling whatever made these emotions in the air he scented out bodes a foreboding future for all things among many in the world, chaos will ensnare the world. Sesshomaru will if it effects Kita his mate, he vows to protect her with his life!

In Kita Higurashi's Era....Evil soon blooms to threaten to come to The Feudal Era....


An enemy of Kita's Maiden In Black Street gang the rival to Kita in school and on the streets, Ray Piper, also known as The Deadly Piper in his gang.

Ray smirked as he looked upon the beat up members of Maiden In Black Gang, the good gang on the street Kita runs with Spankey Mankey, who  keep the street safe from the real thugs like Ray.

Ray kicked Spankey Mankey in the gut making the commander of Kita's gang cough blood. "Tell me where Kita is, we have a score to settle for her making me lose my right eye." 

"Fuck you I'd rather die then tell you!" Spankey Mankey coughed blood.

Ray kneels down smirking and sliced Spankey's throat with a hunting knife and blood gushed onto the cement. "Master, we found info where she went, back to her homeland of Japan, here's a letter." Nick his commander throws a letter and Ray caught it, Ray opens it reading it smirking.

"To Higurashi Shrine then." Ray says walking off. "Book us a ticket for Japan pronto, I will have my revenge for her taking my right eye and cutting off my left nutsack."

"Yes master." Nick says and ordered the tickets online on his cellphone. "It is done."

Ray cracked his knuckles smirking evilly. "I will beat her family up to tell me where she is."

Ray and Nick boarded the plane, and it took a day to arrive, the two took a taxi to go to the Higurashi Shrine, and Ray and Nick walk up the steps and see and old man in a kimono and Ray pulled out his golden pistol and walked up cocking it and pointing it to the old fart's head. "Where is that bitch Kita Higurashi old fuck?!" Ray snarled.

The old man trembled and gulped. Ray is a good shot with his pistol, this pistol was custom made with bullets that can pierce any armor, and he never missed a shot with his pistol until he met Kita Higurashi. Something about that girl was off, he felt it in his gut, and he had her beat up years ago, to the point she was supposed to be brain dead, yet she survived by a damn miracle when they predicted she would die! Something was not right, and Ray will find out why she survived, he beat her up to punish her for making him unable to conceive children, and his Mafia Family sees him a disgrace that a woman made him unable to have baby makers that cannot make children at all.

Maiden In Black  {Sesshomaru Romance 17-18+}Where stories live. Discover now