Chapter Thirty: Pain

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~!Anti's POV!~

This damn labyrinth goes on forever. I've already tried teleporting out of here, Dark must have put up those damn magic resistant barriers. "Having fun?" I turned my head to the source of the voice and Dark appeared out of smoke leaning on the wall of the labyrinth. His smirk could send shivers down someone's spine. I rolled my eyes at him. "Just let us out of here already." He shook his head. "No. You see, everyone is already having too much.. fun." His smile grew wider at the word. "Dark, what the fuck did you do?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Me? I just gave them a little nudge in the right direction."

"The hell do you mean?" I could feel my eyes already glowing with irritation. "Let's just say.. Marvin, Jackie, Robbie, Chase and JJ are having a blast with their fears." He replied. "You asshole. What have you done?!" I know exactly what he's done because he's done it to Tagan before. What they'll see.. the horrors they'll encounter. Their minds will be broken. "Let me out of here, now. I'm tired of your stupid games!" I reached for his shirt collar and slammed him against the wall. He started to laugh. 

The world around us morphed to the bright and colorful world of Earth. I let him fall the ground and took a look around us. What was cheerful and happy before, quickly turned dark and gloomy as people cried for their families. People were crushed by fallen branches and broken homes. Kids were ripped from the arms of their parents while their dogs turned savage on them. "This is Earth's future, Anti.." He trailed off as he got closer to me. "You can't avoid it." (Y/N) rushed to a nearby coffee shop and into the arms of Jack, crying her eyes out. I reached out for her and my hand went right through her. 

"Your worst fear, into reality." His chuckle filled my head as I dropped to the ground, holding my head. My breathing quickened and I squeezed my eyes shut. My heartbeat thumped inside my head and the ground shook as another piece of building crusted a little girl and her brother. The world glitched and I could tell this wasn't Dark's intent. I was doing this. I laughed coldly as another animal ripped their families to shreds. Dark gave me a confused glare and I stood as everything morphed back into the labyrinth. 

"Dark.. I think you misunderstand. This is most definitely NOT my worst fear. It is one of them.. but not the worst. I guess you don't know me as well as you thought. Besides.." I trailed off.

He mumbled incoherent words as I neared him. He backed up into the wall and shook his head. "DoN't YoU gEt It DaRkY? My MiNd Is AlReAdY bRoKeN.." I chuckled loudly. "ThAt'S wHaT mAkEs Me So DaNgErOuS." I smacked my head with the palm of my hand and pointed to him. "YoU cAn'T bReAk WhAt'S aLrEaDy BrOkEn." My form started to glitch as I slid him up against the wall by my hand. He scowled as he disappeared out of my vice grip. "No matter." I couldn't see him but I knew he was still there, beside me as he spoke. "I have other minds to break.. like (Y/N)'s." I was about to face his voice when my vision blurred and I fell to the ground.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

That confrontation with Beth had your brain a little scrambled. Tons of questions beat against your skull making it impossible to concentrate. You stopped for a second to catch your breath as a flash of light signaled it was now meridiem. You had been at this labyrinth for hours now, your feet hurt and you couldn't make heads or tails of Beth's sudden appearance. You knew that Dark was sneaky and he probably designed this labyrinth to make you see your worst fears. The black rose in your hair shifted a bit and you had to reposition it to sit correctly. Surprisingly it hadn't wilted and died like the rest of them. 

Another right and you approached a dead end. You didn't think this labyrinth had any dead ends because you hadn't approached any before this one. You shrugged and turned around. A sudden flash of green caught your attention as it turned a corner. You shrugged it off as your brain playing tricks on you and took a left and then a right. Another flash of green and you definitely know you weren't seeing things. You began to run to try and catch up with it when you tripped on something. You looked behind you to see that you had tripped and fell over the black rose that had been in your hair moments ago. You cautiously picked it up and put it back into your hair. How could something so frail and light cause you to trip?

You got to your feet and turned around to face the direction of the flash of green. You stopped dead and your face paled. Dark was holding Anti in front of him in a choke hold with a knife as Anti desperately tried to get out of his grasp. "Imagine how surprised I was when I found out your worst fear was losing Anti." Dark smirked as he held the knife to Anti's throat harder. Blood trickled down Anti's neck and he hissed in pain. You decided to stall Dark with a question. "W-What are you talking a-about?" Dark chuckled and continued on with his explanation. "I've been watching you, (Y/N).. and right about now, the others are being torn apart by their fears as well. Everything you see here is real." You began to tremble at his words. 

"Y-You mean.." You trailed off and he nodded. "That's right. I found little Anti here trying to find his way out of the labyrinth." Anti jerked his head to the side, causing the knife to seep in further. He howled in pain. You reached forward and Dark dug the knife into Anti again. "No, no. (Y/N). That's not how you play the game." He looks at Anti and smiles. "The game we're playing.." He trailed off as his eyes flashed red at you. "The one the protagonist saves.. ends up dying." and with that, Dark slit Anti's throat and black blood spurts everywhere. Before you could reach Dark and pummel the life out of him, he disappears in smoke. 

You dropped to your knees in front of Anti and cradled his head in your hands as you whispered to him that everything would be okay. You could slowly feel yourself losing all rationality and clear thinking as you caressed Anti's dark green hair. He gurgled and choked on his own blood. After a few minutes of him holding onto any life that was left, he stopped moving all at once. The look in his eyes became distant as he took one last choked gasp of his own blood and air. You stared at him blankly, tears of blood running down your cheeks as you uttered two words to him before everything went black. 

"I'm sorry."

The Pain (Antisepticeye x reader x Jacksepticeye) (Under Editing)Where stories live. Discover now