"what's up? what do you mean what's up? i asked you a simple question that even an eighth grader would know. i know you're better than this, so whatever it is, i think we need to talk about it."

"i'm just tired, i guess."

"don't blame this on sleep, lisa." ms. kim walked closer before slamming her hands on the desk lisa was sitting at. "is this because of your relationship with ms. jennie because trust me, i wish it didn't even happen."

"no, don't bring my relationship in this. i'm like this because i've been having these weird dreams that involve you and me in weird, weird, weird ways," lisa emphasized weird, remembering the dream of the two having children together.

"what do you mean by weird?"

"like when i wake up from those dreams, my—my underwear appear to be—,"

"wet. you've been having wet dreams about me. do you have feelings for me?" ms. kim chuckled, thinking of the art teacher who she bet wouldn't be happy to hear.

"no, well, i don't know. just please don't tell ms. jennie she'll be upset," lisa begged. ms. kim's sudden smile when away when she saw the younger practically begging for her life. she could never hurt lisa no matter how upset she was at the younger.

"fine, but we'll discuss this more tomorrow. now, go eat lunch."

when art class came, ms. jennie was so happy to see the younger that she came by her desk every now and then, whispering sweet things into her ear before secretly, placing her hand on lisa's behind. it was nice and all until the class ended, which meant it was time to go meet up with seulgi, but ms. jennie decided to take things into her own hands.

"i missed you and i've been craving for your touch for the longest," she whispered into the younger's ear before trying to unzip her jacket.

"no, i'm going out to eat with seulgi. now, bye." the student zipped up her jacket, walking out of the teacher's grasp.

"wait, you mean like a dinner date?"

"no, look, the two of us have been distant since we started dating, so i'm going to tell her the truth."

"about us?" the teacher questioned in disbelief.

"yeah, is that okay?"

"no, that's not okay. she doesn't deserve to know about us, she'll just tell everyone."

"don't say that about my best friend. i've known her longer than you, she can keep a secret. there are secrets from me that she knows of and hasn't even brought them up." lisa explained, slightly offended by how her girlfriend could just doubt her best friend without even knowing her on a personal level.

"alright, have fun."

"okay, bye." lisa pecked the teacher's lips before running to seulgi's locker. when she arrived, the girl wasn't there, making lisa feel like she made a huge mistake of staying with ms. jennie, but she was brought back to happiness when she saw the older walking to her.

"you're lucky i had to finish a few sentences," seulgi said, walking before the girl. lisa stood still, not knowing if she didn't wanna go anymore or not. "well, are you coming or not?"

the ride to the restaurant was silent and lisa was so eager to start a conversation like how normal best friends would. "so, how have you been?"

"wouldn't you like to know?"

lisa sighed, looking over the girl who was her best friend, but she was afraid that that title wasn't relevant anymore. "come on, you're my best friend. you're like an older sister to me and i love you," she said, hoping seulgi would at least become less upset with her, but she only heard her scoff before looking into the window while sitting at a red light. "look, i know i've been distant and you hate that, but i'll explain everything and i promise it'll make things more understandable."

"fine." seulgi finally faced the younger, but with a straight face and that's not what lisa wanted.

"come on, it wouldn't hurt to smile a little," lisa said, smirking at her, knowing for sure that she wanted to smile. "i know you want to." she poked the older's shoulder, causing seulgi's corners of her lips to rise. "just a little more."

"alright, stop before we crash." seulgi chuckled, replacing her glare with a happy face. she missed her best friend and she wanted to apologize for the longest for creating the argument, but whenever lisa would pass her in the hallway, she didn't even glance her way, which broke her heart. "i missed you, you know."

"i did, too." lisa agreed, earning a surprise expression from seulgi. "yeah, i didn't forget about you. i could never forget about you, seulgi. you're my best friend and i will always need you by my side like how i need you now."

"what? is something wrong?"

"no, it's just confusing and i need your decision on what you would do in this situation."

"sure thing."

lisa smiled, watching her best friend drive. she truly did miss her and she was so eager to tell someone about everything she could see what she could do or get help any possible way, but could seulgi handle everything lisa was about to tell her?

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