The Waterfall

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The dense trees gave way to an area of bushes and flowers. Tropical birds chirped as a breeze flew by, carrying the whispers of the forest away. The river flowed smoothly, its crystal clear water gleaming, glistening and sparkling, dancing with the rays of the sun. As the dance continued, the water continued to sing in soprano. It began to cascade in the way of bel canto, changing direction several times in the fashion of flamenco. As the song reached its climax, a large drop could be seen. Singing and dancing intensified as the water majestically thundered downwards, greeting the rocks below with a strong spray of a silky concord. Crashing into the lake, it pounded at the rocks, producing a tenor-like tremor. Mist arose as the show ended, and through it, an array of colours shot up with a fascinating allure. Within the blurred air, exquisite shades of carnelian, amber, citrine, jade, topaz, lapis and amethyst pierced through, creating a resplendent ending that one could only dream of.

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