Blooming Rose

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A soaring stem emerged from the soil below, as oval shaped leaves fanned outwards, displaying their sharp teeth. At the top of the stem, four wispy leaves stood upright, as a little red bud took the spotlight, ready to emerge. Its tip protruded out with eagerness and vivacity as it slowly opened. Each petal unfolded one after the other, each drifting into their place, like an elegant ballet formation. As the petals continued their dance, a sublimely sweet aroma began to fill the atmosphere, as an air of grace surrounded the kaleidoscopic display. With every unfurling, the soon-to-be flower grew in grandeur. A rich shade of vermillion took center stage as the dance came to an end, and all movement ceased, leaving a lasting impression and blossoming beauty behind. Yet despite the magnificent poise of the blooming rose, thick thorns are hidden behind its impressive veil. A precise point that knows when to strike, and it is said that only those who know how to properly ravish such splendor will be able to hold it in their hands.

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