Chapter 15

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I stare at the tattoo, the eye seeming to be taunting me

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I stare at the tattoo, the eye seeming to be taunting me. "Baudelaires, King, my name is Jacques Snicket." The man whispers to us. "My associate and I trailed the Quagmires here, just like you did."

He's helping us. "How do you know us?" Violet questions Snicket.

"And how did he capture you?" Klaus asks.

Snicket glances at Violet. "Your family and mine have always been close." He then turns to me. "Same goes to you, Ellis." Lastly, he looks at Klaus. "Olaf and I have what you'd call a history. "

"What about the tattoo?" I mutter. "Why do you have the same tattoo as Olaf?"

"It's not an eye. Look closer." The four of us lean to get a better look. My eyes inspect the marking. It's not an eye, it's three letters. VFD.

"What is VFD? And why is it everywhere?"

Before anyone can respond, someone from the crowd shouts. "I say we burn him at the stake!" The villagers agree, cheering loudly. The real Olaf and Esme grab Snicket by the arms, dragging him out of the town hall.

~ (I'm skipping a lot cause idk how to write the rest of this episode. Sorry.)

The Baudelaires and I wake the next day to troubling news. Snicket has been murdered, in his jail cell. And to make matters worse, the four of us are being blamed for it. No matter how much we tried to explain that it wasn't us, no one would listen. Not even Mr. Poe, who was still here for some reason.

Olaf and Esme lock us in the cell, the same one Snicket was murdered in. I sit on the ground, knees to my chest. The villagers are going to burn us tonight. In less than twelve hours, we're going to be dead.

Klaus sits next to me, grabbing my hand. Neither of us say anything for awhile, just relish in the time we have left. Klaus is the first to break the silence. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I know exactly what he's talking about. Turning to face him, I rest my hand on his cheek. "This is not your fault. How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Don't you understand? We're going to die tonight. The villagers are going to burn us alive. You wouldn't even be here if it weren't for m-" I quickly place a kiss to his lips, preventing him from speaking.

"Klaus, I don't blame you." I whisper, our foreheads resting together. "If we die, we die. It won't be anyone's fault but Olaf's and Esme's. But there's something I want you to know before the time comes." I take a deep breath, mustering up the courage to tell him. "Klaus, I-I think I...I love you."

Klaus smiles softly at me. "I love you, Ellis."

Olaf stops by later, dropping off a loaf of stale bread and water filled with dirt. Violet comes up with this idea to use the rock hard bread to break down the wall. The perfect way to escape. For a distraction to the noise, we decide to sing happy birthday really loud, since it's Klaus' birthday today. It doesn't take long for the wall to crumble, only about ten minutes or so.

When we do break free, Klaus and Violet figure out where the Quagmires are, in the bird fountain in the middle of the village. We quickly hurry there, trying to figure out ways to free them. Violet, Klaus, and I hold Sunny up, using her to reach the beak and open the bird. She manages to grab a hold right before I lose my balance, sending Klaus and Violet down with me. The statue swings open, revealing our friends.

"Isadora, Duncan." I embrace them, holding them tightly. They were the first real friends I had ever made. I begin to sob into their shoulders. "I can't believe we found you."

They pull away, Duncan wiping the tears off my face. "Didn't we tell you before you needed to believe everything was going to work out?" I chuckle at his words. "You never learn, do you?"

"Apparently not." We tell the Quagmires where we can stay, since we're kind of being framed for murder and to be burned at the stake soon. We'll need to hide, and there's only one place we can go.

While running, we find a truck, and quickly enter it. My father taught me how to hot wire a car, so that's what I do. Sunny ends up driving, which is bizarre because she's so young. It doesn't take us long to find Hector and his floating house.

When he sees us, he lets down a rope ladder, and the Baudelaires and I let the Quagmires go up first. When it's my turn, a hooked harpoon flies past me, barely missing my hand. Glancing behind me, I find the villagers, yelling at us to come down.

All of them carry weapons, but I'm mostly worried about the one Esme holds. She already hit a balloon, if she hits another, Hector and the Quagmires will crash. "Ellis! Come on! You can make it!" Isadora shouts down to me.

I shake my head, smiling sadly at my friends. "Thank you, for everything!" I call back. "I love you both so much!" I turn to Hector, nodding at him. He smiles back, flying further away.

This chapter is so horrible, I'm sorry. I wasn't sure how to write it and this was all I could come up with.
But how cute, Ellis and Klaus said the three magic words.
Anyways, I'll try to make the next chapter more interesting. But thanks for reading!

Despite the Pain -Klaus Baudelaire FFWhere stories live. Discover now