Chapter 3: First Target

Start from the beginning

"Hey boss."

"Hey Miso. Just call me Jungkook when we aren't at work ok?"

"Ok. Do you know that you live right next door to my boyfriend?"

"Oh really? Thats interesting."

"Yeah it's kind of crazy."

Jungkook laughed along with her, and took her to his room.

"So what would you like to do Jungkook?"

"I would like to talk about your job," he said, beginning to record it without her knowledge.

"What about it?"

"Well I do love your work Miso, I really do, but I need to let some people go."

"What? No, no Jungkook please I need this job."

"You're a good employee, but I've got to let some people off Miso."

"Please, Jungkook I'll do anything. We're in your room, let's just mess around a bit."

"Didn't you just say you have a boyfriend?"

"He won't know, cmon please?"

"I'm sorry, but even if you weren't working for me I wouldn't sleep with another man's girlfriend."

"Cmon Jungkook, he won't know. I doubt you even know him."

"That's not the point."


"Ok, Miso get out."

She left unwillingly and Jungkook sighed while turning off the camera, but the moment it was off, he smirked evilly and laughed.


After Jimin got off work, he decided to pay Jungkook a visit, just like the younger planned, and as he saw the older at his door, he put on an annoyed look on his face, immediately getting Jimin's attention.

"You ok Jungkook?"

"My employee. She's just a slut, you can come in."

"What happened?"

"She came over because I had to talk to her about her job and stuff. I had to record it though because this is not the workplace, so just in case she wanted to try and lie about me doing something to her, I have proof."

"That's smart."

"Well it's policy. But she has a boyfriend and she still acted like a slut."

"Oh I wanna see," Jimin said excitedly.

"You want to?"

"Yeah, it'll be funny."

Jungkook smiled and pulled up his computer, pressing play on the video, but right away he saw Jimin's expression change.

"She works for you?"

"You know her?"

"She's my girlfriend."

"Oh shit. You're the guy she's dating?"

Jimin nodded, and got closer to the computer, watching the conversation.

"Jimin I'm so sorry."

As he watched it, he could see that Jungkook was the 'innocent' one, but he felt his heart break when he saw his girlfriend, who he loved, practically begging to sleep with him.

"I can't believe this," Jimin said quietly.

"Jimin, I didn't know she was with you."

"It's ok. You didn't do anything wrong."

Jungkook saw his eyes tearing up, and the younger put his arms up to hug him, and Jimin immediately took the offer. Jungkook held him tightly, pulling his head into his chest and smiled happily, lightly moving his hand up and down his back.

"It'll be ok Jimin."

"Do you think she's cheated on me before?" Jimin whimpered.

"I can't say."

"But she worked for you, did you ever hear anything?"

"She did flirt a lot with the employees. But I don't know if she ever slept with them."

Jimin gripped onto his shirt, crying harder and Jungkook rubbed his back lightly.

"Let's go do something to get your mind off this."

"Like what?"

"Is Tae off yet?"

"No, he doesn't get off till 7."

"Alright well how about you and I can go get some ice cream or something?"

Jimin nodded, and slowly released his grip on the younger, and Jungkook looked down at him, gently wiping the tears off his face.

"Please don't cry Jimin. You didn't deserve her."

"But I loved her."

Jungkook sighed, a little jealousy peeking up in him but he smiled anyway and tussled Jimin's hair.

"Let's go get your mind off her ok?"

Jimin nodded, following the younger to his garage and widened his eyes when he saw the jet black Corvette.

"Wow this is a nice car Kook."

"Thanks. I'm thinking about getting a new one, if I do, you can have this."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. This is my good one, the one I have trouble with is that one," he said, pointing to a silver Lamborghini.

"Oh my god, I would so fix that up for you."

"You would?"

Jimin nodded, and Jungkook smiled, unlocking the doors to his Corvette.

"If you like this car, I'll give it to you."

"Jungkook, that's too much."

"No it's not, how about we get some ice cream and then go to see some cars. If I see one I like, you can have this one because I won't have room for it."

Jimin bounced a bit in the seat, looking around and he couldn't deny how much he did love the car already.

"Fine, but only if you see one you like better than this."

Jungkook smiled, pulling out of the garage and drove them down to an ice cream shop, taking Jimin inside.

"Hello, how are you guys today," the lady said happily.

"We're alright, how about you?" Jungkook replied.

"I'm fine, thank you. Do you know what you guys would like?"

Jungkook turned to Jimin, smiling when he saw the older's face and hands pressed against the glass, staring intently at the ice cream.

"Jimin, what do you want?"

"Rocky Road."

"Alright, get him that, and I would like Cookies and Cream please."

"In a cup or cone?"


"Cone please."

"Both in cones."


Jungkook payed, and he took a seat with Jimin, smiling as he watched the older attack the ice cream like he hasn't had it in ages.

"Is it good?"

"Yes, thank you so much. And thank you for taking me to get my mind off of her, I'm having fun."

Jungkook smiled again and lightly put his hand on Jimin's thigh.

"I'm having fun too. And don't worry, she won't hurt you again Jiminie."

Yandere Neighbor (Vminkook) {Mature 21+}Where stories live. Discover now