Special chapter 1

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Title: Drunk nero

Takumi's POV

I was cleaning the Kitchen until I see a bottle of wine in one of the container..

Maybe its a wine left behind by the last person who lives here.. Who knows...

I look at it again... It seems still drinkable..but.. I'm still a minor..

"umu!  A liquor! I haven't drink one for years! " I look at my back.. It was nero with a sparkling eyes "Gimme that praetor! "

"wait Nero.. Your in legal age? " I ask her.. It's quite rude that I ask that

"yep!  If you mean in your time's legal age!  Yes! "

"wow.. You look so young "

"umu!  Thanks for saying that praetor! "

"your welcome nero"

As I walk in the kitchen to cook our dinner for today Nero helps me to set the dinner table with a red Matt.. Nero with her favorite color..

As I serve the food on the table Nero grabs a wine glass on a container and wipes it with a clean cloth and proceed to pour the wine..

"ahhh~ praetor! The food you make is truly amazing! "

"it's a pleasure that the emperor of Rome think that my food is delicious "

"umu!  It's a pleasure truly!"

As Nero and I sit down to eat... She drinks her first glass of wine

"umu umu! This wine is the best!"

I wonder whats good at drinking liquor.. It's slowly kills you and besides..  It's a has a little bitter after taste

"Nero are you sure you can take the liquor?.. Your face is turning red.. "

"I'm fineeee!  Do now worry my master.. "

It's totally not fine... That's.. What my instincts are saying..

(a few minutes later)

While I was washing the dishes Nero was still drinking her wine...

It's all  peaceful until..

"praetor " I feel her hand in my stomach she's hugging me from behind? Uh oh.. This is bad..

"praetor.. Join me to bed~"

I have to think of some way to avoid this drunk servant of mine..

"praetor~ pleaseeee~"..

"Nero.. I'm doing something.. Maybe later"...does that work?

"fine... Later then.. "

She leaves me there a alone in the kitchen somehow I avoid her.. But how long

(few minutes later)

I was slowly walking to my room I'm planning to lock my self inside since I have a bad feeling about the drunk Nero.

But... As I open the door She is waiting me in my room what should I do!?

"praetor! ~." she pull me to the bed and pins me down

"wah- Nero!!? " I blush a bright red color

"praetor...  Hehehehehe.. " I was so nervous but then she fall asleep...

I put her to her bed...I'll definitely scold her the next day

(the next day Takumi is scolding Nero and the only think she can say is "I'm sorry!")


Eyyyyy first special chapter finish! Lol
See Yah next time!

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