Hidden feelings

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Nero's POV

As I arrive on my master's house Mika is in there she treats takumi's   wounds...

I was in the living room worried about my master I could not think how would I feel if he dies

Mika walks out of master's room smiling at me

"takumi is in good shape now I fully patch him up and I take care to the poison"

"is that so umu! " I stand up looking relief..

"eh? " mika smiles and giggles "I don't think that your the only servant who falls for her master saber.. "

I blushed and panics. A little "w-what are you saying!? " I said blushing so hard

"well you know.. There are many holy grail wars back then...maybe there are some servants who loves there master"

"y-yah!.. You mean of love as love as friends right? " I said still blushing

"Idiot.. I mean romantically.. " She said smirking

"kwaahhh!?" I blush more when she say that "what are you saying mikaela!? "

"nothing.. I just said what I was thinking" he smiles "Can I stay here? We will wait for caster for reports.. "

"umu! Yes you can we form a alliance right? "

Mika smiles "Don't be afraid to tell what you feel for takumi saber.."

"umuuu!!!  I told you its not like that! "I blush hards again

"besides. . . Takumi really likes you.  . ." she said silently

"what did you say? "I tilt my head

"nothing.... "

Mikaela's POV

(before that conversation)

(in takumi's room)

I was treating his wound from. The arrow the wound is not deep.. But it has poison on it so. I need to act fast to save him and.. .saber is a waiting outside patiently..

(but at that time nero was walking around in circles trying to think positively)

I grab a magic potion in my bag and put some in his wound and cast a healing spell

I patch his wound and he really fights the Poison with a strong poison like that... A normal person will die.. Good thing he was a trained mage

As I walks to the door I heard him. Groan

"s-saber.... Go on without me..." he said in his sleep

"don't tell me his inlove with her.. Ara~' I smirk and walks to saber to tell her about his condition


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