Mysterious servant

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Simillia von einzbern's POV

"fufufufu~" I was sitting on a sofa in  my mansion as I sense a alliance made to stop me " a three master alliance huh? Those fools cannot stop me they are insect that I need to exterminate "

I look in upwards looking in the gorgeous ceiling "isn't that right my servant?~"

"yes a master. . ." a male said in the darkness


I swing my training sword to a training dummy

"praetor!" nero shouts from the door

"what is it?" i ask

"a message from mr ryo umu"

"ryo san?"

"it said archer servant have been seen by mikaela san yesterday"

"is that so?" I ask

"umu" she nods "he wants us to investigate in the southern part"

(time skip)

In the middle of the night we were walking on a forest I'm in my jacket and with my sword in my belt while her red dress...

"ughh? Praetor?" saber said in my back

"What is it?" I ask with a smile

"if the holy grail can still grant a wish...what would you wish?" she ask

"My wish huh?. . . . My wish is to find a girl for me" he smiles awkwardly

"seriously!?" nero suddenly laugh "thats ridiculous!!!"

"hahaha...shut up.." my eye twitch while smiling

We we're walking until

An arrow flies toward me and almost hitting my arm "woah!"

"praetor!" Saber jumps in front of me pointing her sword in her front direction "show your self!"

Two arrow now fly to nero but she slice it with her sword "arrows won't work on Me..."

The presence of the servant fades

"its gone..." saber said still ready to.block

I examine.the arrow it was like a dart "its from a small crossbow...its a crossbow bolt.." and Examine the tip "poison arrow heads..."

"so what is the enemy praetor? A archer?"

"It can use poison..assassin?" I look at saber "We still don't know.saber"

Nero nods

I feel a presence of the servant again he shoots his crossbow bolts saber quickly slices it all

"praetor! Quick get out if here!"

The enemy servant in in a cloack as it jumps high and kicks saber its so fast that saber has to dodge it

"tch..." saber stance

"a saber class...I am archer!..And I'm here to kill you saber..."

"so an archer class huh!?" saber charges an attack swinging her sword at him but he dodges and jumps firing a arrow at her

Saber quickly dodges the attackand jump in the air to slash her sword to the enemy but before that archer uses a smoke bomb to hide him self

All I see now is smoke then saber jumps back with a arrow in her left arm

"he got me...tricky bastard!" nero said as she pulls.the arrow off

I run to nero checking her wounds "its a stun arrow! You can't win like this saber!"

"praetor! Leave me!..I If you stay this man will definitely get you!" she said as she stays there she can't move due to.the stun arrow..

"I won't leave you here!" I look over archer and I see him aiming his crossbow guntlet into me and shoots a arrow  got shot in the arm with a poison arroe "ack!" I can feel my body slowly weakening  "crap... This poison is strong.."

Archer intends to kill me he points aims at me again

"praetor!" Nero suddenly moves a bit hugging me trying to block the arrow with her body

Archer shoots at us

But his arrows stops been burn in flames I look over in the left side as I see caster casting a fire ball spell

"take this!" caster shoots a fire ball to archer 

Archer dodges it and aims hus bow to caster

"what you two are doing! Saber take your master out of here !"

Archer fires some arrows at caster but caster blocks it with hid staff spinning it like a spear

I cannot talk at this point I feel like I'll gonna die

Saber carry me in his back easily  being with her small looking body he carries me easily running out of the woods

"hold on praetor! Hold on! Hold on takumi!" nero said running as I smiles slowly closing my eyes


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