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Berserker's POV

*boom* a large explosion  due to the enemy servant has damaged the whole first floor.. But as I look around  This place is infuse with magic.. With all of that attack the place should be reduce to ruble by now

"oh my~ what a strong man.. I'm Not surprise that your a still alive berserker~" I look at the young woman who talk she has a  elegant look and purple long hair and a white dress

"well..I am strong so I can protect my master... "

"fool... If you join master similia and leave that master of yours... " she smirks "you can have your wish"..

"I would not join such an evil person.. "

"ohh~ berserker... Think about it you can have anything you want.. You can change your mind...  We can still catch up to those masters and saber... If you kill then pledge loyalty to-"

"I decline.. "

She smirks "is that so?.. Well then.. Die! "

She then blast me with purple laser I. Block it with my sword with all my might

"really strong indeed.."

I deflect her attack and run to her. But she keep her distance.. "you don't fight like a warrior...assassin really suits you.. "

She just smiles and blast me with her lasers but I dodge them by running to walls

"you Cannot just run away like that forever! " assassin fire a bombardment of her laser into me

Some of her attack hits me making me fall in my knees

"nice meeting you... Berserker.. " she said as she fires a large blast of her attack to me

"its not over yet...." I stretches my hand and summon my shield

"come fort bakunawa!.. " a shield appears and blocks the attack

The shield in huge and with black and white coloration the white parts are shiny while the black looks like scales.. "Chieftain's shield.. Bakunawa.. "

"oh my~.you still have some fight on you?.. " she smirks "well.. Then... I shall make you submit.."

"what? "

"smiles of the stheno~ Goddess's smiles.. " she smile at me

I fall in my knees once again

"grrr.. "

"fufufu~ no one can resist the temptation of this smile now.. Be my slave and kill your self...I don't need you anymore.. "

I start to point my sword in my chest as I slowly moving it near my body

"Yesss~ do it for me~"

I resist to stab my self but her power to. Seduce man is strong..

I'm sorry master... This is th end for me..

What? I see my master.. Standings in front of me.. Am I hallucinating?...no.. I shall win for her...

I stop ...

"W-what..kill yourself! I order you! "

"sorry about that assassin.. But I no longer in your charm "

"impossible no one can resist my beauty! How!  How did you resist!?"

"One word... LOYALTY.. " I walk to her slowly and she is just standings there scared..

"noooo!!!!! " she shoot me again with her lasers but this time her laser is too powerful for me to handle.. I will use my noble phantasm.. Diwata.

"come fort!  Diwata!!! " I raise my sword in the air and it glows blue I then trows it to her

The power of the sword deflects her laser attack and hits her in her chest

the door opened and caster runs to me

"Berserker!  Am I late? Where are the others!? "

"there probably upstairs now..."

"is that so? "

Little that I know assassin is still alive and will. Kill me with one last attack but

Caster uses his fire ball first and burn assassin killing her..

"that was close" caster said.

"theres no time to waste...lets go caster!"

"right! "


(Shipping_lord2000 here the assassin you see here is stheno... One of the sisters of medusa.. I'm. Not really planning to make her Berserker's enemy.. But stheno is special because she's my first gold Colored card in the fate grand order  game... Lol I hope you enjoy this chapter.. Bye bye~)

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