Her name is nero

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Takumi is still staring at nero confused why the emperor nero is a girl when the books said his a man

"Ahahaha!  I know its big but please don't look so much" nero said teasing

"shut up... " takumi said coldly as he ignores nero

"UMU! So mean! " nero shouts

"I am a melee fighter I prefer having a archer class or a caster.. " he said as he put hand on his face

"don't worry master! I'll got you covered! "nero added

Takumi sighs "okay okay I'll introduce my self" he looks at her "my name is Takumi von Galion the heir of the galion family"

"ahahahaha! Nice to meet you master" she shake his hands

"ahahaha... She's so hyper... " he walks to his house with nero

"hey master! We're do you live?"

"ughhh.. From that house" he points at his house

"ohhh~ a classy house indeed.. "

"hehehehe.... "

As they got to his house takumi starts cooking dinner for two

Suddenly nero appear on his back

"hey master...that food looks tasty" she was drooling

"ughhh??  Just stay at the dinner table please??? " Takumi said amd he was a little pissed

"ohhh~ sorry master ufufufu"...

Nero walks out the kitchen

"this...servant of mine.. Is so hyper"

After cooking takumi Serve the food Its a vegetable cook is butter

"Wooooooowwwww! Not only it looks tasty it smells good as well"

Takumi smile in a awkward way "hey nero your a saber class right? "

"ummmm???  Yesh? " nero was talking when her mouth is full

"*what kind of emperor is she? She can't eat properly*" he smiles again "sooo?? Nero? So you are the emperor of rome? "

Nero swallow "yes I am! I nero clodious is the emperor of rome"

"hehehehe..another question....are comfortable with that dress?.. I think it looks sexual for me"

"The people of rome likes me when I wear this dress"

"really?. . . ."

"UMU! "

"what does that even mean?". . .

He starts eating his meal  and start to sleep while nero sleeps on another  room

(the next day)

Takumi was about to go to school but nero blocks his way

"waittttt!!!  Master your going without me?  Your life is in danger if someone attack you! "

He sighs "Nero...I can protect my self.. "

"no no no!  I'm going with you! "

"no stay here nero.. " he shuts the door and walks to school

"ummmuuuu!!!  Master you idiot!! "

As he walk to school somebody tackles him

"takumi!!! " the guy who tackles him shouts

"ouch... Hey kyle hows the start of your day... " takumi ask smiling

"bad.. A very bad start"..Kyle face starts to change he looks scared

"what happen? "

"a murder happen in our neighborhood "

"*a servant? *" he though "ohh that must be scary.. "


After a little bit of chatting they got in school and naturally another school day has finish before going home he buy nero some new clothing

He opened the door

"moeeee!!! Umuuuu!!! " nero was in the living room shouting to Takumi "master you leave me here for a hole day!!! Your not a human"

"ehehehe.. Sorry about that.. " he trows the paper bag at nero "there I buy that for you "

"f-for me? "...nero pointed at her self

"yes its for you..."

"Thanksss! "

"nero be ready for battle were gonna investigate something "

"ohhhh~ a night run ?"

"yep... "

"okay!!!  But first!!!  Lets eat!!! I only eat fruits for lunch"...

"don't tell me..you can't cook"

Nero nods "umu! "

"I still Don't know what that means... " he smiles "oh well okay.. I'll cook dinner "

While takumi is cooking nero was trying out her new clothes

"nero!  Breakfast is ready! " takumi serve the food

Nero eats the food "Your cooking is great master!! "

"thanks.. " takumi smiles

After eating and washing clothes takumi change to his black jacket and grabs his magic sword

After eating and washing clothes takumi change to his black jacket and grabs his magic sword

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"are you ready nero? " takumi ask

nero was in her usual red dress "UMU!  I'm ready! "

"Well then lets go.. Saber... "

To be continued

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