Chapter 2: Pictures

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Later that night, Jungkook snuck over to their house again, going to their breaker panel and quickly shut everything off before running back home, and sat at his window, waiting, hoping that they would ask him for help. He saw their door open, and Tae walked outside, flashlight in hand but Jungkook pouted when the older knew how to turn the power back on.

"Damnit Tae," he whined, now thinking of the next thing to do, to get them to ask him for help.

He thought for a moment, but when he couldn't think of anything, he sighed, feeling defeated and went back to bed. As he laid there, he got his camera that was sitting on his side table and stared at the picture of Jimin and Taehyung, tilting his head a bit.

"I wonder..." he mumbled, "I wonder how long it'll take before they like me."

He then thought to himself a bit longer and began arguing with himself.

"Or...if they will like me. No, no they will, they will. The only problem, is that they need to love me."

He soon saw the lights next door turn off and he kept his camera in hand, running back to his neighbors house, jumping the fence as he made his way towards the bedroom windows. He peaked in, seeing Jimin fresh out of the shower, towel around his waist as he pulled an outfit out of a box, not yet unpacked. Jungkook quickly pulled the camera out, taking picture after picture as Jimin took off the towel to get dressed, and Jungkook groaned quietly at the sight, never had seen anything more beautiful in his life. His thighs, his ass, everything was driving Jungkook crazy. After Jimin finished pulling up his sweatpants, he turned off the light, and Jungkook pouted slightly, but regained himself and ran over to the next window, seeing Taehyung walk in, on the phone with someone, but after he hung up, he too had to get dressed, and Jungkook began taking pictures of him as well, one after the other. He chuckled when he saw Tae's cute tummy, not expecting that, but instead of finding it beyond sexy like Jimin's toned stomach, he couldn't help but find Tae's little baby tummy adorable. After he too went to bed, Jungkook ran back home and printed out the pictures, putting those on his wall as well, but as he looked around the room, he was afraid that if they ever did come to visit, they would see the images. He thought for a moment and went up to his living room, getting unused photo albums and placed them in those instead, then put them in a box in his closet so only he could look at them. He smiled proudly, but immediately pulled out the one of Jimin, looking over his naked body, and the younger licked his lips hungrily. He wanted to do whatever he could to him, he wanted to ruin him, spank him, choke him, hear his moans, whines, whimpers, but more than anything he wanted to see the older's body writing under him, begging to touch him. He soon heard a knock on his front door, and he immediately put the photo album back in the box and placed it under his bed before running to the front door, and smiled right away when he saw Jimin.

"Jimin, hi."

"Hey, I'm sorry did I wake you up?"

"No, not at all. What's up?"

"I know it's late and I'm sorry, but do you have a toolbox by chance?"


"Yeah, my heater just broke and I left my tools at the shop."

Jungkook nodded, opening the door wider.

"Yeah, come in."

"Thank you. This is a nice house by the way."

"Oh thanks. I'll be right back."

Jimin looked around, waiting for Jungkook to return and he went over to the piano, seeing multiple pictures framed on the top of it. He smiled when he saw one of Jungkook holding a baby, but as the younger returned, he questioned him.

"Is that your kid?"


"This baby."

"Oh, no that's my brothers."

"She's cute."

"Yeah, she's adorable."

Jimin smiled, still looking at the picture.

"You look like you're really good with kids."

"I love children."

"I do too. Who's this?"

"That's my mom."

"She's beautiful."

"Yeah, she died though."

Jimin looked at him, his expression soft and sympathetic.

"Oh, Jungkook I'm so sorry."

"It was for the better."

"What do you mean?"

Jungkook's eyes teared up and he shook his head slowly.

"My father would beat her. He'd beat me and my brother and he killed my sister."

"What? Wait wait wait, are you serious?"

The younger nodded, and tears fell down his face at the memory but he immediately wiped them away and handed Jimin the toolbox.

"Here you go, I'll see you later Jimin."

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just some dust in my eye."

"You can stay at my house tonight if you don't want to be alone."

Jungkook shook his head, wiping the tears away again.

"No, no it's ok."

"Alright. Well I'll stop by tomorrow morning to return this, if you need anything at all, come over ok?"

"Thank you."

Jimin gave him a warm smile and left, and Jungkook stared at the picture of his mother, gently running his fingertips down her face while his tears came back.

"I'm so sorry mommy. I should have killed dad earlier, but I was too scared of being caught."

He then looked at the picture of his older sister and cried harder.

"Noona forgive me. You tried protecting me, I'm so sorry that I couldn't protect you in return. I miss you so much, every day I think of you and mom, I'm so sorry Noona."

He stared at the photos for a bit longer and then he went over to a hidden compartment in the piano, pulling out the photo of his dead father that he took after he killed him. He stared at it, his eyes darkening.

"I'm so glad you're gone, I hated you, you bitch. You hurt my mom, my sister, my brother, I hate you."

After several moments of silence, he put the picture back, locked the compartment and went to bed, holding tightly onto the stuffed rabbit his mom got him when he was a baby, but he kept it, because it was the only thing he had of her, and it was the only thing that made him feel like she wasn't all the way gone.

"I love you mom," he whispered, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Yandere Neighbor (Vminkook) {Mature 21+}Where stories live. Discover now