Chapter 11: Isaiah's Love

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Isaiah stood up after turning the water on in the shower, starting it so that it would be warm by the time he was ready to get in. He sat and thought for a second before starting to undress, taking his time. He still hadn't really looked at the wound on his chest yet and now, he would have no choice, he had to wash it. The doctor had told him just to let water run over it to wash off any dried blood and to dry it with a blow dryer or to let it air dry until the stitching itself wasn't wet. He was sure it was going to be painful considering that it was pretty much still a fresh wound. Still in pain from the beating Isaiah slowly started to get undressed starting with his belt, pants and underwear. Isaiah looked in the mirror ready to take his shirt off when he stopped and turned so he would have his back to it. He slowly lifted his shirt off and looked down at the wound, it was still covered up with the white padding they had used at the hospital to dress it. He would have to remove it before he could get into the shower which was by now, warmed up and ready to go, he could tell by the steam coming from over the shower curtain. Isaiah carefully started to remove the dressing, starting at the corners and working his way around. He undid the final adhesive binding and the dressing came off. Isaiah put it right in the garbage and stepped into the shower. He got in the shower with his back to the water not wanting to let the water hit the wound right away at first. It felt strange just letting the air get into it, he thought it would probably hurt if the water hit it directly. Isaiah stepped back into the stream so that the water was wetting his hair. His hair quickly saturated with water and the spill over ran down over his face and chest, it didn't hurt as bad as he had prepared for but it still caused him some discomfort. Isaiah looked down and watched as the dried blood flaked away and went down the drain. He felt the urge to cry hit him as he thought briefly about having the scar for the rest of his life. Keeping himself distracted was the best way for him to avoid the tears, he grabbed his shampoo and put some into his hand and began washing his hair, leaning his head back trying to keep the shampoo from getting into the wound as he rinsed.

Isaiah quickly and carefully went through his shower routine and got out, he was tired and wanted to go to bed, he was looking forward to the solid night sleep. Also as it stood, the earlier he got to bed the sooner he would be able to see Caleb. Isaiah picked up the dryer and set it to a low setting beginning to blow dry the wound. Isaiah thought to himself keeping his mind occupied from what he was doing, he couldn't wait to be able to see Caleb in the morning, he had been the only thing keeping him together over the past few days. If things had of been any different and Caleb hadn't been in the picture he would probably have given up and just let his depression overtake him. He wasn't sure where he'd be, but he did know that it wouldn't have been a good place and he wasn't sure that he'd be alive.

"That's stupid, yes you would," he said aloud rethinking his situation. Even without Caleb he had a mother who would be there for him no matter what and a best friend who would kill for him if he asked her to. Isaiah smiled to himself as he sat the hair dryer on the counter, the stitches were dry enough so he decided to finish up by towelling off. It wasn't long before he was dried off. He got dressed in his usual nightclothes, a pair of pyjama pants and a button up shirt before starting to brush his teeth.

"Did you clean it up yet?" Carla yelled from the kitchen.

"Yeah mom, don't worry," Isaiah called back, "It's all good." Isaiah was about half way through brushing his teeth when his mom knocked at the door. Since Isaiah became a teenager he and his mother had developed a code for opening the doors, if he didn't say anything and he was in the bathroom after she knocked it was safe to enter.

"The doctor told me I need to take a look at it to make sure it's okay. You know I trust you but I have to."

"Really?" Isaiah knew she was trying to make sure he was safe but couldn't help but feel frustrated with the situation.

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