Chapter 5: The Rumour

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            Caleb opened his eyes to the sound of his alarm blaring at him. He reached over and hit the top of the clock, stopping the sound. Caleb sat up and looked over at the clock it read quarter to six. Caleb stood up and stretched his arms long and high. It was time for him to go get Jonathan and head to the gym for a bit of a strength work out like they had done every Sunday for months before practise. Caleb heard his phone vibrate on the table reminding him about the message that Sheena had left for him. He picked up his phone and pressed the one key to go through to his voicemail. He pushed in his access code and put the phone to his ear after hitting the option to listen to the new message.

"Hey Caleb, I just wanted to say I was sorry for freaking out the way I did today," said Sheena's voice. Caleb almost couldn't believe that it was her apologizing, it was the first time he could hear a bit of remorse in her voice. He couldn't help but laugh a little bit at it, she didn't get it, it was over between them. "I wanted to tell you that for now I am going to keep your secret," the message continued. Caleb suddenly felt a pit in his stomach as he could tell the message would continue as she took another breath. "But there's no way I'm going to keep his. I already told Stephanie. I'm not going to tell the guys, yet. But you and I need to talk." Caleb dropped his arm to his side as he felt his anger in the pit of his stomach. Caleb threw his phone down on the bed and quickly put his clothing on and grabbed his duffel bag then went out to the truck. Caleb stepped outside, the morning air was cold, and he could see a slight remnant of his breath as he exhaled deeply in his anger. He pushed the button on the key chain to unlock the doors as he walked towards the truck. As he got close enough he threw his duffel bag into the back of the truck and jumped inside. He started the truck and turned on the heat, letting it idol for a few minutes. Caleb worried about Isaiah knowing just how vicious she was about to become, but also knowing how it was just another way she was trying to control him. Caleb started to drive deciding on the way that he wasn't in the mood to deal with Jonathan's attitude. He knew that since he was angry he would probably not be able to hide it to Jonathan and it would probably be an argument when Jonathan started to pry. He didn't know what to do at this point, he didn't want to be responsible for Isaiah getting hurt but he wasn't about to let Sheena control him anymore.

Jonathan woke up and looked at his clock, it was quarter after six and Caleb would be there soon. He got out of bed and quickly threw on his work out clothing and grabbed his duffel bag. He listened briefly, and the house was totally quiet his parents were never up this early in the morning giving him more reason to enjoy it. He headed upstairs and went outside right away he didn't like to eat before a work out because he would feel sick to his stomach or get a cramp. He walked outside still slightly groggy and locked the door behind him. The chilly morning air hit him snapping him out of the tired feeling quickly, giving him goose bumps on his arms. Jonathan stood at his door jumping slightly to keep warm. He wondered where Caleb was as he rubbed his hands up and down his arms using some of the friction to keep warm.

"What the hell's taking him so long?" Jonathan looked at his watch; Caleb was usually there it was six o clock. Jonathan took one last look around and decided to start walking. Caleb would see him either way and he didn't want to stand in the morning air anymore being cold. The walk would help keep him warm. Jonathan walked down off of the patio and trotted to the end of the driveway. He looked up and down the road to check for any signs of Caleb not seeing anything. Jonathan started up the road toward the school it would take him about an hour to get there if Caleb didn't come get him and he didn't feel like walking the whole way there. Jonathan grabbed his cell phone out of the side pouch of his duffel bag and called Caleb's cell phone. "Man, there's just no way he would sleep in," said Jonathan. He listened into the phone it rang seven times and went to the answering machine. "Um, hey C it's Jonathan, just wondering where you are. Pretty cold morning out here, I'm walking up the street right now look for me see you soon ... hopefully." Jonathan hung up his phone and tucked it back into the duffel bag. "Man come on where are you?" Jonathan continued up the street on his way to school.

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