Chapter 4: The Day After

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            Casey opened her eyes as she awoke from a deep sleep. She lay still for a few minutes her head was half pounding, it was clear that she was going to be hung over for the day. She could feel Jonathan's arm around her and hear him breathing heavily almost snoring. She looked at the small end table clock that read nine thirty in the morning in bright green letters that were almost painful to look at. Casey slowly pushed herself up to an upright position holding the blanket up with her other arm. Her hair that she had neatly done the night before now seemed as though it was all over the place. She was naked her clothing lay on the floor in front of her, she knew that her and Jonathan had had sex but she couldn't remember most of the events that took place at the party she certainly didn't remember getting up into this room. She put her hand on her head as it throbbed and decided she needed to get something non-alcoholic to drink and she should go to the bathroom. Casey bent over and picked up her underwear and bra and Jonathan's arm had gently slid to the side and rested on the bed. Casey quickly slid on her bra and then her underwear. She noticed the glass of water sitting on the end table on Jonathan's side and stood up to walk over, as she stood she felt the blood rush from her face to her feet and staggered a little bit, her head ache aggravated by the shift. She picked up the glass and easily drank what was left in the glass and sat it back on the table. Casey stayed still for a moment and listened to her surroundings the house was still quiet telling her that either no one else had stayed over or no one was awake. She looked over at Jonathan, who still lay asleep in the bed, he had just shifted position to lay on his back and turned his head to the side. It was almost hard to believe she was looking at the same person that teased and made her best friend's life almost a living hell. As he lay there before her he looked so peaceful, she listened to his quiet breathing and couldn't believe how gentle he looked. She stood and thought for a second as she reminded herself of Isaiah and that she was supposed to be his drive last night, she would have to call him later and apologise. Casey sat down on the bed and gave Jonathan a good shove to get him to wake up.

"Come on it's nine thirty Jonathan," said Casey.

"So what." Jonathan opened his eyes and looked at her not understanding why she was getting him up so early. "You have somewhere to be?"

"Well no, but we should get up and at least try to do some clean up so Caleb doesn't have to do it himself." Casey looked at Jonathan expectantly waiting for him to get up. "And don't you have to have your car back in the yard by noon or something?"

"Yeah, you're right." Jonathan sat up in the bed and Casey started to put the rest of her clothing on that she found laying on the floor next to Jonathan's clothing. "And just so you know, I don't ever leave these parties without helping a little bit." Jonathan sat up and uncovered, revealing that he was still wearing his boxers and resting his feet on the ground. Casey could tell he was watching her get ready but wasn't sure why, he cracked a smile at her. "Are you hung over?" Casey stopped what she was doing and gave him and irritated look for asking such an obvious question. She could tell by looking at him that he wasn't hung over, having built up a tolerance over the years.

"Yes, I'm hung over." She slid her shirt on over her head and patted it down to make it look a little bit straight, then played with her hair to at least get it to lay down. "I've got one hell of a headache and I need to go to the bathroom because I think I'm going to be sick." Jonathan stood up and put his pants on the grabbed his shirt from the foot of the bed.

"So go then what are you waiting for?" he asked putting on his shirt. "Just keep quiet Caleb's probably still asleep and he had a pretty rough night last night." Casey just looked at him and left the room. She wondered what he thought she was going to do; she wasn't about to run down the hall screaming. Casey walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror most of her make up had been rubbed off and her hair was still a mess, she was worse off then she thought. She turned on the water and ran her hands under it waiting for it to get to be warm enough then splashed the water on her face and rubbed the remainder of her make up off her face. She watched as it swirled down the drain. Now that she had stepped into the bathroom and gotten the cold water on her face, she really didn't feel sick to her stomach anymore but as she looked around the room the feeling started to return seeing the condition it had been left in. There was cigarette-ashes all over the floor, even though Caleb didn't want to people smoking in his house, along with several bottles that sat both on the floor and counter. Casey could see where someone had emptied the better part of something red in the tub. It was hard for Casey to believe that people would be so disrespectful to someone's property, but she had to stop and think that they were, after all, just average teenagers. Casey turned off the tap and dried her face on the nearby hand towel. She decided she would go ahead and clean the tub out considering if left up to a man it probably wouldn't be done as well as it needed. Casey bent over and turned on the hot water. She looked around the bathroom trying to find the cleaning products, she bent down and checked under the sink finding some spray on bathroom cleaner. She started to spray the cleaner in the tub and scrub at it with a sponge she pulled out from under the sink as well. Jonathan walked in and looked at Casey with a confused look on his face. "What are you doing?"

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