Chapter 6: The First Time

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Caleb opened his eyes to his alarm clock sounding. It was six thirty and he had planned to get up early enough to catch Isaiah at home before he got on the bus. He reached over and shut his alarm off and sat up. He looked around his room, the sun wasn't fully up yet so it was still fairly dark as he sat his feet on the floor. He stood up and walked into the closet to decide what he was going to wear, he had a feeling that it wasn't going to be just a normal day so he wanted to dress up a bit. He grabbed one of his tighter fitting black tee's and a red button up to wear over it, he then took his vintage black jeans down off the hanger. Caleb took his underwear and socks from a small dresser in the corner of his closet and headed out into the bathroom. The house was quiet and still empty, his parents would be back later in the night. Caleb walked into the bathroom and turned the water on in the shower to get it warmed up. He looked in the mirror making sure he didn't need to shave, something he didn't really like doing, thankfully his facial hair didn't grow that fast. On average he would probably only have to shave once or twice a week. Satisfied that he could leave it for another day or two he turned his attention to the shower that had started to steam. Caleb took off the boxers that he slept in and dropped them on the floor. He stepped into the shower the hot water hit his skin causing him to flinch, the water being hotter than he had expected. Caleb turned on the cold water to adjust the temperature and went about getting cleaned up. Getting lost in his showering routine of washing his hair and lathering his body with the body wash he used his mind turned to Isaiah. He wanted to see the look on his face when he realised that he was there to take him to school. Caleb did worry about what people would think but he was going to put it out of his mind for the time being. He continued to lather and wash himself with his hands, the water caressing his body and sending the invigoration through him that someone got from a morning shower. Caleb did one final rinse of his hair and turned off the water in the shower. He stood staring at the water as it ran down the drain and the remaining drops on his skin dripped from his hair and face. As he stared Caleb began thinking about he and Isaiah's encounter in the bathroom at the gym. He had been annoyed that they couldn't finish but also because Isaiah had only had the chance to perform on him and he didn't want him to think that he was selfish that way. Caleb closed his eyes as he remembered the feeling of Isaiah's mouth on his body and how warm it had been. The thought of it excited him, without realizing it Caleb began to run his hand down his chest and stomach. Caleb ran his hand down and took hold of himself realizing he was fully erect. Caleb opened his eyes and looked down at himself cursing himself for the thoughts, if he went through with what his body planned he wouldn't be at Isaiah's in time to catch him. Caleb let out a frustrated sigh fully wanting to relieve himself but got out of the shower and quickly started to dry off. Caleb quickly dressed himself throwing on the clothing he had picked out but also making sure that his look didn't look rushed. He placed on the red over shirt and left it hanging open and grabbed his hair gel off of the counter and squeezed some of the contents into his hand. This was a routine he could almost do in his sleep he had done it so often every morning. He spiked his hair to the side as he had seen a teen heart-throb do on television and rinsed his hands under the water. Caleb would usually spend about twenty minutes after his shower applying lotions and creams to the various parts of his body to maintain his skin but didn't have the time. He ran out of the bathroom and grabbed his book bag from his room then headed downstairs. Caleb decided that he would take his breakfast on the go and popped some bread in the toaster. He scattered around the house looking for where he had left his keys and made sure he had his cell phone, finally finding both in the living room on the table. As he picked it up he heard the toaster pop up with his bread toasted. Caleb returned to the kitchen and grabbed some peanut butter out of the cupboard and quickly applied it to the toast taking a bite of it immediately as he closed the container of peanut butter and left it on the counter. He ran out of the house making sure to lock the door behind him and got in his truck to start on his way there.

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